Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
His name is PONCHO, he's 2 months old.
- Maggie (Argentina)
My yorkie Cash on a aluminum chair from Interior Express in Illinois,
- Kacy
This is a photo of Don (AKA The Don) at a cabin to the south of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.
- Wendy
This is our new Vizsla puppy, William. He's 14 weeks old. He's our third Vizsla so we know what we're in for.
Photo #1 - I was folding laundry the other day when I turned my back on William for a second. The camera happened to be close by. I'm thinking that this spot won't work so well when he's 60lbs!?!
Photo #2 - We decided that there was no point trying to keep him off the couches so we gave him his own. It's officially Will's chair.
- Karen
I'm a big fan of your blog and wanted to share a picture of my dog Pucci with you. She's fresh out from a trim and i shot her at work today on a chair that i believe is Danish from around the 50´s.
The sofa is a find from second hand store, just got it upholstered.
- Niina (Helsinki, Finland)
Longtime fan of your blog and especially Pets on Furniture. Unfortunately, my Ragdoll kitty Lola doesn't share my feelings and NEVER lets me take a photo of her, except this one that I managed to snap while she was reclining on my Mies van der Rohe Barcelona chair. Aren't they both so pretty?
- Maggie (Toronto)
Sophie typically isn’t allowed on the furniture, but it was her birthday the day I shot this photo. I think she knew she could get away with it.
- Linda (Reno, Nevada)
This is Miss Kitty in all her obese glory on our vintage "mushroom chair". It was my grandmothers from the 60's and I adopted and recovered it in periwikle velvet. Here she is relaxing on our Portica Canopy Bed from Room and Board. She has been our buddy since we found her on the steet while I was in college, much like the rest of our furniture!
- Jessica
Our Short-Legged Wolf (mutt), Jenny, loves to both sit on --and shed on-- most of the furniture in our home. These are some of her more common locations.
- Ryann and Alex (Redondo Beach, CA)
This is my cat Velcro. Sometimes he likes to appear like an object ...
- Ana (Bilbao, Spain)
This is Bridget snoozing on our favorite chair. Love the color, and that the soft material is makes for a fabulous cat nap. Always makes me smile when I see her loving it :: even though I will have to clean off her hair!!
- Lindsey
I've sent pictures of Murphy to you before, so I thought I’d send a couple more... I’m way too obsessed with this funny little dog.
- Pia
This is Ebby, my 14-year old Jack Russell Terrier. He loves to sleep on this chair, particularly in the morning....
- Kelly
A little bonus...
The folks at Pet Lounge Studios sent in product shots of their bambu pet hammock. What a great piece of pet furniture!
Reader Comments (27)
William will need a bigger table in a few months!!! Love this post!!!!
Poncho is the cutest EVER!!!
They are ALL so cute!! (L)
Miss Kitty looks good in the black, blue and white bedroom. Love the colors together. I hope her collar is not too tight, though, in all her "obesity"!
Oh, Ebby! They're all so cute, but I especially love the old ones.
Love all these great photos; the bamboo pet hammock is the best!!
Every monday, I wait these nice pictures! Thanks!
I agree; these posts make Mondays a lot more tolerable! Also, does anyone know what type of dog is in the third photo? I've seen several of these dogs around town and have been intrigued by them, but aren't sure of the breed. Thanks!
They always make me smile. Thanks!!!
Okay, so that bambu pet hammock is the cutest thing ever! If only I could guarantee my cat, Bronte would use it...
Stop really I can't stand how cute all of this is!! TY for making me smile.
Theresa Strickland
These posts always make my day.
Thanks for including Sophie! I just caught her on that same couch again. She is a stubborn dog but who can resist that face!
Oh how I look forward to these posts -- they always brighten my day :) There is just way too much cuteness happening all at once!
William is adorable! Glad you know what you have let yourself in for getting a Vizsla. We have one who cannot sit still long enough for me to get his photo or if I try he takes a flying leap at the camera. I'm hoping one day (maybe when he's about 14) I can get a photo of him to send in.
I can't imagine why you're blaming William for the laundry upheaval when his face clearly says< "I DIDN'T DO IT!" Love your house by the way.
Gorgeous! All gorgeous!
And Miss Kitty is a supermodel! Look at her pose in the second photo! Work the camera, Miss Kitty!
Velcro made my day!
I love pets... they're so cute...
I just think these are the cutest things!! I hate how some people don't let their pets on their furniture...if they're part of the family, they can sit or sleep with the family!! <3
HAHAHAHAHA!!! The second to last photo is my favorite!
I looove Miss Kitty :))
This is the first time I have seen this blog but I am hooked now! I love these pics so much and look forward to seeing more...they are all so very precious...thanks for sharing.
What breed is Don?? So cute!
I love to see people loving their pets. And I love that dog bed. Unfortunately, with 4 St. Bernards and one German Shepard, it's too small. they have their own puffy beds on the floor.