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Tenbosch House

Take two art nouveau houses circa 1906 in Brussels, Belgium. Renovate in white white white. Mix well with an enviable collection of mid 20th Century Scandinavian furniture. Layer with original art. Shake well in the cocktail bar and pour out the smoothest long cold drink of a getaway guest house you could ever wish to order. Cedric Meuris and Bernard Devaux had the vision. Tenbosch House, an exclusive small hotel is the result. It's Friday. It's virtual getaway day. I'll meet you in the bar at 7. Date?

Reader Comments (20)

That light fixture in the stairwell is incredible! Beautiful getaway - I'd happily join you!

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

me too :-) love love all the lighting. Happy weekend!

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDesign Elements

oooh the bedroom is great and the bourbon carpets MMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlouisweeeeeee

OMG!!! I am totally game!! xx meenal

nice article ....great to see this pic.Its very realistic................................

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered Commentervenkadesh

How fabulous is the molding? On the ceiling too? Oh, just divine! xoxo

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChelsea

Thanks for not asking for all my personal stuff to make a comment. I think Art Deco period started in the 1920's. The Bauhaus school in Germany was the beginning of that period of "Modernism". Bauhaus became the International school when the national socialists took power and many of the designers who were Jewish left for New York. A house from 1906 would probably the Art Noveau period. Nice house by the way and well done. Not a big fan of mid century modern as I grew up with it.

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterC Hamman

Recipe for perfection!

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhomestilo

Gorgeous architecture! Simply gorgeous! I love the space itself and the stairwell's light fixture is super! I'm not huge on the decor, just because it's not my style, but I see beautiful and impressive pieces there.

Have a great weekend!

I love this space and I especially adore all of the light fixtures. Everything feels so clean and bright with tons of colors. Wonderful.

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Wow, those hanging chandeliers by Bocci run in the tens of thousands alone. This place is nothing but money. I adore homes like this that actually have very tasteful style that doesn't overtly display the wallet behind it. There are just too many homes of the stars or billionaires that look awful. VERY well done. This is definitely one for the inspiration file.

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDee

Love the lighting in general, but the one in the stairway??!!! AMAZING!!!
I too think its more of an Art Nouveau, at least those increadible doors seem to be.

12 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCata

Thanks for picking me up on my mistake guys :) Now you know why I dream of a virtual break every Friday night when I write these posts. Such a long tiring week and then, even though the website clearly sees art nouveau, I type deco and don't check my copy before I press publish. I've fixed it now.

13 Aug 2011 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

fabulous lighting...wonderful bar, pool and city views...

13 Aug 2011 | Unregistered Commentercabbagerose

I fell in love!!

13 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDagný Björg

Um artista ! simplesmente.. Amei !

13 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterErika

bathroom windows definitely Deco!!

15 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShelley

I love rue Tenbosch. I lived around the corner from this place for six years. Clearly the sky was photoshopped--it's never blue in Bruxelles! BXL has some fabulous lighting shops, and all the (chic) rest0s and boutiques are decorated with amazing things.

17 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCate

One renovation that I do not like, mainly because the beauty of the Art Nouveau building is gone. Quite a sacrilege to not have kept the period features. For those of us who love Art Nouveau and Art Deco and will spend tens of thousands just to get one stain glass window right, it is really sad to see this disrespect for the past. Sort of like putting metal barn doors on a Mercedes.

13 Mar 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Harris JR.

Way to much white on white and really to bad you painted the stunning wood doors in the bathroom. Love the furniture. Compliments the architecture of the building

22 Mar 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSharon A

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