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« Freedom Summer 2011 | Main | Hot stuff! »

Waterfall factory

Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking. A lake, a waterfall, a 1950s factory refurbished into a minimalist space that reaches out to a wooded wonderland through walls of glass. References to its industrial past are complemented by the sparse interiors but what could be cold is brought to life by that view. Fitout and furnishings are simple. The art graphic and strong. Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking. (Thanks to Lisa for the link.)

Reader Comments (6)

You wouldn't even need a tv with views like that! Phenomenal.

stunning views.

25 Jul 2011 | Unregistered Commentermrs c.


This houses is tdf :)

25 Jul 2011 | Unregistered CommenterInterior Junkie

I don't know.... The location looks great and what a wonderful view! But the inside looks huge, empty of life and too cold- does anyone actually live ther?

25 Jul 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRahel

2 months in this house...
i wouldn't want anything else for now...
waoww... i was begging my frends if they have any summer houses or lake houses for a few days, that i could stay there, compose some more music... but this is.. waowwww
hope the owner's is having nice time in here=) masha'Allah=)

25 Jul 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAsli

Wow the house is so much bigger than it looks in the first picture. What a great view, especially the night picture. Perfect sunsets I'm sure.

25 Jul 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa Steffes

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