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Saturday stalking

I need 48 hours in one day. I have so much going on at the moment. A full time day job and the blog for one. The painter comes in just over a week and there is still  a lot of prep work to do. I'm trying to finish a "quick" redo of my kitchen (Ha! Quick! That's a joke!) and the day to day cooking, cleaning and shopping goes on and on. I'm trying to finish a painting to go in a group exhibition here in Ipswich next month and there has been a door sitting on trestles waiting to be painted for 2 weeks now. I have no normal Saturday post ready to go and 3 loads of washing to do. Sound familiar? I know what I'll do! Real estate stalking post. Good idea. A warehouse perhaps? How about this one in South Yarra, Melbourne? It has a red TV room. I swear it's the strangest thing I've seen this week. Strange but kind of cool. The words "red rum, red rum" keep popping into my head. See I'm rambling. Time to go.

Reader Comments (16)

Ok, in the 3rd pic it looks like someone is standing outside the window, which is creepy. After seeing that the rest of the house just looked like a set for a murder movie.

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

I love me a good warehouse conversion but that TV room is icky.

besides interior design blog reading I love property stalking, in fact i love it so much I have turned it into a career and run a home search business in London. I am a huge fan of Domus Nova, check out Urban Spaces for some great contemporary flats

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered Commenterselina


4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRavenna Moreira

Wow. that red room is something else. Doubt if I could live with it, but . . . wow.

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPearl

wonderful home! off to my 2 loads of washing...

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDesign Elements

I love many things about this home - that wall in the dining room?? amazing.
the bathroom? gorgeous, understated.
the cathedral ceilings in basically every room.
the red room? not sure really. I wonder if it's actually better for watching tv or if they just did it because they wanted to. I think it's something I'd have to see in person.
- agata.

This house is amazing. And then I saw the T.V. room. It is hideous. It's so abrasive and it feels so small...nobody would look pretty inside that room, and I'd be too distracted to focus on the movie. Hideous.

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharissa

what an interesting house ---

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Some of this house is lovely, and all of it is well-designed and visually appealing. But, to me, it's a bit of a cold, sparse space. Def not cozy. Def not where I'd want to curl up with a movie or a book on a rainy day. To each his own, I suppose :) PS. I stalk MOVIE set my head, that is. I'm always looking at the home and I particularly LOVE Diane Keaton's beach home in the movie, "Something's Gotta Give." Also, love the home in "Stepmom." Good stuff.

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGirl About Town

I really love the living areas and dining room but the rest of the home feels a little bit empty to me but it's still a lovely house!

4 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Hi, Girl about town, I am so with you on the movie set houses! my first love was the Paris flat in "3 hommes et un couffin" (original french version of 3 men and a baby). There evenare films I watch more for the house than the film.
"Something's Gotta Give" is a given, Katherine Zeta Jone's flat in No Reservations, It's Complicated, Mama Mia, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Tie me up Tie Me down, In fact most of Almodovar... Robert Pattinson's house in Twilight, "The Old Lady who Walked in the Sea" with Jeanne Moreau...
One of the worst: Charlie Sheen's flat in Wall Steet

5 Jun 2011 | Unregistered Commenterselina

Hi, Selina! I'm definitely going to rent a few of those that I haven't seen, just to see the houses. And, yes, LOVE Meryl Streep's home in It's Complicated! I have to watch Under the Tuscan Sun again, as I seem to recall liking a few detail in Diane Lane's Tuscany home in that movie. This is a bit, old school, but I think I remember really liking the NY apartment in Fatal Attraction as well! ha! Any other movie homes you can recommend for inspiration, I'm happy to hear them!

5 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGirl About Town

am i the only one who likes the redrum, i mean the red room? i've had two red rooms so far, at different times, and loved them both. of course, blood red wasn't the color....

5 Jun 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpriscilla

Where are the windows?

Some rooms seem a little claustrophobic...

6 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

yeah, i totally see R E D R U M now.

6 Jun 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjessica define

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