Luisa Olazábal
Occasionally I like to blog a designer/stylist/photographer whose style leaves me a bit out of my comfort zone. Luisa Olazábal is an interior designer from Madrid, and her portfolio filled with beautiful spaces does just that. They are classic with a contemporary flair, sophisticated and refined with soothing, muted colour palettes.
Reader Comments (11)
Trad furniture placement, an eclectic mix of mod/dirty classic/euro deco without a spot of warmth to be seen anywhere... where's the departure from comfort zone?
Way too monocromatic for me. I couldn't stand to live in places so devoid of colour.
Thanks so much for posting these! I really enjoyed looking at and assessing these images. Because I'm not enamoured of the monochromatic colour schemes, I was able to concentrate on furniture placement. The images also enabled me to really think about what I would like/need in the vignettes to make them more to my taste. Sometimes I learn more from what I don't like than what I do...
Picture 9 is beautiful. A happy contrast with the wood and leather adding warmth and cozyness to the more stark adjoining space.
Boy, can we say uptight? Feels like if you put a coffee cup down anywhere in this place Luisa would dart out and slap you.
Wow, I love it. Some of those rooms would be like walking into a black & white movie!
I think the space is beautiful. I love the black and white with a slight touch of colour here and there...
I agree - the first images, especially, are just too grey and sad for me. I love grey - it's a beautiful tone, but not so much when it's taken over an entire space with little to contrast it.
- agata.
having that things is like living in the palace! really wow wow
Wow! I'm in love with picture nr. 9!!! Those huge heavy-looking black lamps. Such a great contrast to the almost invisible Starck's. Would a lamp like that fit well in my own kitchen? Take a look - http://ereszke.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/details-from-my-kitchen/
bleh......I LOVE dramatic black and white...but this is so...dull...like someone has littlerly sucked the blood and life out of every room....these pictures (especially the first ones) just make me sad.