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Kim Jeffery

Kim Jeffery is a very talented and relatively new photographer (I aspire) who has a very interesting name (mine is Kim, my husband's is Jeffrey), has photographed for covet garden (one of my favourite online mags), is Canadian I think (me too!), is a huge animal lover and wanted to be a vet until she was 14 (me too!), and has a few cats (me too!). Seems like destiny that I blog about her and her pretty photos.


Reader Comments (6)

Love that blue scratchy floral wallpaper in that kitchen! Anyone know where it's from?

18 May 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnne

That shelf made from halves of tables is absolutely stunning! What a great idea!

18 May 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeth S

So many wonderful images...adore the log cabin!! Can't wait to go peruse her site - thanks for sharing.

18 May 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdesignchic

Love!! I am also a canadian animal lover (but I live in LA) and aspiring photographer :)

This is such a fabulous blog. Keep up the good work!


18 May 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaren

wow, this home is amazing, i love particularly the shelves and the wallpaper.

19 May 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdecologue

Anne, the kitchen with the great wallpaper was Michael Penney's, of Canadian House & Home, featured here:
It is a Thibaut wallpaper.

20 May 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrobin

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