Kim Jeffery
Kim Jeffery is a very talented and relatively new photographer (I aspire) who has a very interesting name (mine is Kim, my husband's is Jeffrey), has photographed for covet garden (one of my favourite online mags), is Canadian I think (me too!), is a huge animal lover and wanted to be a vet until she was 14 (me too!), and has a few cats (me too!). Seems like destiny that I blog about her and her pretty photos.
Reader Comments (6)
Love that blue scratchy floral wallpaper in that kitchen! Anyone know where it's from?
That shelf made from halves of tables is absolutely stunning! What a great idea!
So many wonderful images...adore the log cabin!! Can't wait to go peruse her site - thanks for sharing.
Love!! I am also a canadian animal lover (but I live in LA) and aspiring photographer :)
This is such a fabulous blog. Keep up the good work!
wow, this home is amazing, i love particularly the shelves and the wallpaper.
Anne, the kitchen with the great wallpaper was Michael Penney's, of Canadian House & Home, featured here:
It is a Thibaut wallpaper.