The Kate Moss of homes
Thanks once again to my bro-in-law Dave for providing me with a link to another home that I thought was blog worthy. Actually, there isn't anything very spectacular about this home in Barcelona. The reason why I'm blogging it is because it's apparently "impossibly thin", "freakishly thin", "If buildings had human doppelgangers, this one would be 90s-era Kate Moss" and "just 12 feet wide". That is why I had to blog this. Because my home is also 12 feet wide. But here is where this home differs. It's nearly 4000 square feet (mine is 926) and is the length of an entire city block - 82 feet.
Reader Comments (18)
Very elegant and modern, but not my preference for living well. Reminds me of being in a motor coach!
Wow. I don't think I would ever choose a home like this for myself but it sure is interesting. I especially intrigued by the exterior shots.
"there isn't anything very spectacular about this home"? really? i beg to differ! it's pretty spectacular!
I'm sure the people living here only need to walk from one end to the other to get all the exercise they need..pretty unique..i couldn't live here though..thanks for sharing kim..have a lovely weekend! xx meenal
it doesn't look too kid friendly, do they keep them locked up with Mickey and Minnie?
I truly enjoy checking out projects like this. I could live here in a second. It's a lot less space than we occupy now, but it's cool - and seems to fulfill all the requirements. Was the pool on the roof? Wow!
Love the architeture but not the decor. What a sad kid's bedroom...
My house is 11 feet wide and only 920 square feet. Our houses could almost be twins.
I love the spiral staircase! But I second the idea about it not being very kid-friendly. I was just looking at the shot of the suspended walkway and thinking that it would be no good for kids then I scroll down to see... a kid's bedroom!
Wouldn't you be cross if you'd left your glasses in the bedroom.
I dont understand why people dont see the beauty in this home. The design is beautiful and if viewers would read the description as to why Kim posted it then some of the comments wouldnt be as negative as they are
This might intrest you:
Pretty sure these are computer-generated images. Surfaces are just too sleek and the order too precise to be real (see the spacing between the shirts in the wardrobe). Extremely even lighting that is impossible to achieve often is a bit of a hint that an image is not real - see, for instance, the stairwell, where every room is lit at the same intensity and without loss of detail as is the case in normal photography. Very nice place, though, fantastic example of going way beyond the limitations of a space and coming up with very exciting solutions.
I'll take it!
of course it has a pool on the roof....
our home is 17 wide on the exterior - 12 feet is definitely challenging to work with but it can create some great spaces and creative uses. the stair lightwell is a great idea.
- agata.
OK, it's tall and skinny like Kate Moss, but Kate Moss's backside doesn't extend out 82 feet behind her! ;^)
Or does it?
This house has all the lamps that I love! And the staircase!