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Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!)

Our cat Sneeze in her favorite room. I secretly think it's because her coat looks so nice with room.
- Katie (Detroit, MI)

1 - My maltese, Pietra, appreciating the view from our all-white contemporary sofa!
2 - My maltese, Pietra, catching some rays on our contemporary rattan chair (with white leather cushions)!

- Joanna (Stamford, CT)

again, simon on his sofa...
- Jessica (new york, ny)

Here is our warmth-loving 10 month old cat Tarts on the living room table. The laptops ventilation is working on full speed trying to ventilate itself under the 4 kilo Tarts who is actually enjoying the hot surface and the hot artificial sun! Our home is in Estonia, where we have cold winters up to -30 and we all seek for the warmer place! ;)
- Kätlin (Estonia, Tallinn)
I've chosen several pictures of our four cats at various pieces of furniture in our very tiny apartment (29m2). Two grey ones are a boy - Precel, and our only girl - Pchla, the black one it's Behemot, our oldest one, and the one in socks it is Pafnucy.
- Malgosia (Krakow, Poland)

1 - This is Jay "The Great" Gatsby hanging out around the house on his favorite chair. The brown leather chair was purchased in Kansas City, MO about 4 years ago.  Gatsby is like the chair; small, sturdy and durable.
2 - Gatsby the french bulldog puppy sitting on a red swivel chair that I purchased 6 years ago.  I enjoy owning one bright piece of furniture, because it breaks up my neutral wall color and instantly adds life to a rather boring area of my home
- Scott (Hutchinson, KS)
Cyrus, the six month old bullmastiff, is the new member of our extended family since Saturday. He' so sweet that he got along well with Ozzy (the beige pug and self proclaomed king of the house) faster than any other dog. They are sleeping on our new sofà...They are so cute...  Ozzy is 2 years and half old and Nena is one year old.
- Giusy and Mauro (Milan)

This is a pic of my furry child, Mr Cat - once a thin and scraggly stray who adopted us, now a fat and contented (read: fat) very spoilt part of the family. The blue velvet deep buttoned headboard was inspired by the bedroom that Don and Betty Draper share in Mad Men.
- Vicki
This picture of lizzie the ladylike greyhound was taken in brooklyn on my friend's fresh-from-the-upholsterer's newly covered sofa. The satin and fur pillow was new also. Lizzie was 13 years old at the time.
- Priscilla
Another bonus - check out this Cat-Library Bookshelf System designed by Corentin from Belgium!

Reader Comments (13)

This is such a cute idea...come to my house and you will have pictures to create posts for a year with my cats! Always on everything (especially the furniture I just vacuumed...). Love when people show their animals off, especially when great furniture and design is involved, it brings it all so much more life. Thanks for sharing and posting may just have an animal pic from me on its way=).

I love your posts with pets on furniture!

Hug from Norway!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNin

Love those furry Italians! Love 'em all!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterD of dogland

I loved Cyrus, Ozzy and Nena! So cute!!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnanda

Sneeze is the best cat name ever!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJen

LOL! The picture of Lizzie made me literally laugh out loud. Very ladylike indeed :-D

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRelatable Style

Mr. Cat is adorable and so is that blue headboard!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlice Olive

I so enjoy the pets on furniture feature! I don't know if it's possible to recommend someone else be featured, but if so I want to recommend the ute little dog seen here

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim

Always love these posts. =) Too adorable!

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRenewStudios

Tarts is so cute that my eyes welled-up! I love this every week!

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPatty-Michigan

Katie - may I trouble you for the name of the wall color in Sneeze's favorite room? Which does complement her coat beautifully, by the way. =^.^=

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLA

I adore Lizzie.

16 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott

LA, the paint color is BEHR "Stone Fence". I've also used it in my son's room with a lighter more aqua blue and it looks very gray. And, thank you Jen! :)

17 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

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