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More from Mexico

As I mentioned in my last post, here are some favourite random photos I took on my trip to Puerto Vallarta - which, might I add, is a VERY safe city, unlike what you hear all the time on American news channels. Yes, there are some unsafe cities in Mexico but the news always generalizes to ALL of Mexico, which is really unfortunate. Not only is Puerto Vallarta safe, but gorgeous, incredible restaurants at every turn (I've got photos!), and perfect weather. (I should mention that some of the photos below were taken in the awesome surf town of Sayulita).

Reader Comments (21)

Thankyou for sharing these beautiful images, Kim...mexicans aren't afraid of color for sure!! you are so right about stereotypes that are often propagated about certain places..more often than not, these are unfair exaggerations...xx meenal

English is not my mother tongue, as I am from Austria. I just want to let you know that I love your hompage. I think, you have a very special view on things. Very artistic and open-minded. Really great!

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJulia

So colorful! Looks great!

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRelatable Style

Are they Bansky stencil art you've photographed? Mexico is a cool place, with lots to see and do... dazzling light and fun/hot colours - sure they have a high mortality rate, but tourist appear relatively safe..... Viva Mexico.

magnificent colors and ironwork. glad you shared. now i want to visit this special city! :)

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstyle odyssey

While it has to be true that there are many places in Mexico that are not only safe to visit they are beautiful also and the people depend on the money from tourism. But it is Spring Break this week at many Texas schools and very strong advisories from law enforcement have gone out to students NOT to travel to Mexico. Perhaps the most dangerous areas are close to the border of Texas, but anyone traveling needs to be VERY careful about where they are headed. Where it is dangerous, the danger is VERY real.

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJones

beautiful pictures,i love all the colors,the achitecture,the" acapulco chair" in leather,and the others one in neon colors!
the recycled DIY pendant light,the beach,everything ,you're really lucky,that's makes me dream!!!A lot of inspiration in that post!
thank you!!!!

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commentersolovely

just found your fun blog! i LOVE mexico, and appreciate anyone who helps this struggling country regain the reputation it deserves: a place of great beauty, culture and absolutely wonderful people! i've been all over the country, but never to puerto vallarto, and especially want to go to sayulita (been to saludita to surf near ixtapa area.) hot tip: one of the BEST travel books about mexico: "the people's guide to mexico."

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaguna Dirt

Gorgeous pics--thanks for sharing.

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commentersee

thanks for sharing. looks like a great trip.

13 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpriscilla

Hey Girls, I check your page every week since I found it and I really apreciate your point of view about life, fashion, decour, trips etc. It´s so soft, fun, smart and happy. I live in Brazil and we, brasilians, have this way to seeing what is going on around and inside us. I just arrived from my first trip in México(Mayan Riviera) and like I suspected before visit there I falled in love for the colors, people, food and how they choice be happy by the way the problems(everybody always have yours).
keep showing a bit of your soul in this page!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLinkoln Brazil

Love your photos - thanks for sharing!!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWendy Greene

Just wanted to say thanks for setting the record straight about the country that I have adopted, and that has adopted me. I´m originally from Scotland, but arrived in Mexico 4 years ago, almost by accident, and never left! Parts of the country are very dangerous, that is not to be downplayed at all, but the whole country should not be tarred with the same brush. Most of Mexico is friendly, and lovely, and welcoming, and photos like yours remind me why I'm proud to live here.

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

OMG. send me that puppy.

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commentermudpuppy

Loving all the bright color! And those multi-lightbulb fixtures!

14 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPatty

beautiful pictures indeed, and i agree - one should not generalize facts. but one picture is disturbing to me - that kid on the beach... is the boy acutally working and selling toys?! that's not something that should be portrayed in such a romantic harmless way.

but that is just my opinion...

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commentermagdalena

Magdalena, I am simply showing photos of my experiences in Mexico. Children who are forced by their parents to sell items to gringos is a large part of the reality of Mexico. I bought a toy monkey from that boy (and we bought more from the other children that followed him) so he could give the money to his mother who will hopefully use it to buy food for him and the rest of his brothers and sisters.

15 Mar 2011 | Registered CommenterKiM

Mexico looks wonderful, although Magdalena raises an interesting point around child exploitation - should we stay away as tourists and abandon the kids in their poverty or visit and help by spending our money? I think as a society we are more than happy to buy items that have been made with child labour.... However, we do this out of ignorance.... so folks the next time you pick up that cheap t-shirt or cheap pair of jeans... check where they were made.... in reality they are not cheap - the price you don't see is the cost of human exploitation in their production. THINK before you buy and know the source of production- expose the companies who exploit their workers with low wages, dangerous workplaces and poor conditions.

All respect to Kim, her heart appears to be in the right place.

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbeattie

Thank you for the photos Kim!! I LOVE Mexico and Puerto Vallarta is my favorite place to visit. I just love the mix of Tourists and Mexican families meeting and mingling at the Malecon (boardwalk) on the waterfront at night sharing food and fun, the old buildings, cobblestone streets, Southern jungles, and of course the beaches!! :) Im always trying to convince my American friends to visit there as it is much cheaper than Hawaii or Florida etc. But it is true there is much danger in places and one has to know where NOT to go. Even on the West Coast some tourist cities (Acapulco) have had problems with the drug cartels-Heads of murdered policeman have been placed in the city numerous times. Although tourists have not been targeted I sure wouldn't want to be there when guns start shooting. I guess Canadian news channels must also be reporting on the bad news too?? They should all just do a big broadcast on the safe areas so more people will go and enjoy the wonders of a beautiful place and people dontyathink?!!

17 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWyGal

Great photos! I'm heading down to Sayulita on Monday and would love to pop into PV and check out some of those places. Any recommendations for art, design and food we MUST experience on a day trip?

I agree the news can be misleading. I live in Vancouver and we've had our share of bad news internationally the past few years with gang violence. Fortunately the rest of the world didn't take it too seriously and came for the Olympics last year anyways. ;-)

17 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRW

These are gorgeous pictures! And thank you for looking at Mexico with a very open and positive outlook... I hope you'll be returning in a near future :)

7 Apr 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEri

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