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Clayton Street

***Pets on furniture posts will resume in a couple weeks when I return from holidays! - Kim

The other day my sister called me and said "OMG Kim, you have GOT to blog Lexie's house!!!". Lexie is a furniture designer and her husband is an architect (his firm is Mork-Ulnes Design) - which explains why her house is so freaking amazing. In 2006 his firm was responsible for extensive renovations of this 1896 Victorian home located in San Francisco, which features 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and is just over 2600 sq ft. I absolutely adore every square inch of this home, from the architecture to the decor. And for those who may house hunting in the area, this home can be YOURS, as the family is moving to Norway in the summer. This has got to be one of the top 5 homes I've ever blogged. (MANY more photos after the jump).

Reader Comments (25)

Seriously amazing. I noticed about the only thing they need is some gorgeous ceramic art. Call me.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commentermudpuppy

i agree, one of the best. definitely up there for me as well. a really great mix of old and new, painted and natural wood, family friendly and super chic. i love all their choices for lighting. there really isn't anything i didnt like!

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commenterteresa

You guys stalk houses & stalk your blog. I have been stalking, coffee in hand, for a few months now and, in spite of all the eye candy you always post, this is the very first time that I think to myself "Self, this here house *is* the house of my dreams." WOWZA! That kitchen! Simple, clean, with art on the wall, windows, and no top shelves whatsoever. Stunning.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpam

This house is utterly breathtaking, I adore it.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTuesday

yep. time to completely redo my home. this is ridiculously STUNNING!!!!

Can I move in? Tomorrow? MmKay thanks.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJesselyn

Just GORgeous! Thanks for sharing!

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

OMG, I used to LIVE on Clayton a million years ago. Sadly, my house was not like this one; this is marvelous!

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commentertopaz

Amazing! My favorites: the dining area and staircase, the master bedroom and bath (oh, that shower!), the walkway upstairs. Really a fabulous space. Love it!

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClaudia

Oh, that shower!!

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commenterheymomo

Firstly, I live down the street and I think we should be friends. Secondly, I stalk the, go to open houses for fun and look at design blogs religiously and I do think that (even with all the oddness and diversity here) there is unequivocally a San Francisco style. Thirdly, good heavens I have kitchen window envy.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLocalSF

This home is ridiculously beautiful! I have been going back and forth about options for kitchen seating. I recently ran across this space which features eames chairs around a long rectangular table Now seeing another home with a similar setup, I'm sold! Definitely going the Eames chair paired with rectangular table route.

28 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

The mirror in the dining room, the rope swing bench in the dining room. Never seen anything like it.

Kim, thanks for posting, I loved all of the comments - they made my day! And I LOVE your sister. If I could have a sister, she would be mine. Sorry to steal her... xxooLexie

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlexie

Sorry to sound like a 16 year old, but that is freaking amazing! Oh how I would love to live in a house like that in San Francisco or anywhere for that matter. Maybe if we pool our money we can buy...

The Cheeky Cafe

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I sent this link to a friend in SF who forwarded it to her friend who is viewing this GORGEOUS property with the vision to buy it! The internet ROCKS in that way doesnt it!!! Now I just need to forward some of my work to Kim [artwork of SF] who will post it on her blog and the same may happen to me.......???? xx

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRache'

Oops. Think I failed to properly send a comment. Today's posts are wonderfully inspiring, as always. I panicked momentarily when I didn't see any "Pets." Glad to know they will return!

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

am i right in assuming a normal person could not afford this beauty?

also, please, don't bother with pets on furniture. i always skip it and wait for the real blog to resume on tuesday!

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpolish chick

Wow, this is amazing! Especially love the children's room ;)

Hi, I loved all of the house! Very beautiful. :)

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMariany Carvalho

Seriously amazing-every room!

As I live in a basement, the windows are by far my favourite...

1 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Crazy. My friend Josy was just talking about this place today. Apparently she is friend's with Lexie. Anyway, beautiful place, beautiful blog.

3 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTia

Wow. What a gorgeous house! I especially love the catwalk and the hanging bench

12 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterleila@rook

I love this place! The personal excentric details just make the whole style
some nice ideas!!

15 Mar 2011 | Unregistered Commenterburkha

Love the trumpetlamp!

18 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRetrobohem

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