Design crew
Got a problem? Need some help? Just stand there shaking your head? Don't know what to do? You're not alone. Send us a link to photos of your design quandary and let the Desire to Inspire design crew help you .... that's you lot ... the readers .... get to it! You did such a good job the last couple of weeks I know you can do it all over again. Besides I have a Saturday to enjoy.
"I am needing ideas for window treatments. I live in a townhouse without a lot of character except it has great windows that allow lots of light. But I also need privacy! so letting them be bare is not an option. I inherited custom made shades accordion kind made of some sort of felt like material?? do not know but they have to stay for a long while. I have two very large cathedral style windows and two windows that flank a faux wood burning stove on the outside wall . This wall also has a cathedral window it is the smaller one . I am not one for matchy match . I hung cream voile curtains that puddle to the floor on the two the cathedral windows . I was trying to come up with an idea for the other two windows that are much smaller that measure 32.5 x 62.5. Any ideas would be appreciated. I adore this blog and drool over the beautiful spaces ... I have attached pic's hope these are adequate. I also attached photos of the yellow chairs I want to reupholster. I can't make up my mind on fabric. Any feedback would be appreciated." - Wendy
Here's a taste of what Wendy has achieved so far. It's shaping up to be a lovely room. After the jump you'll see the problem with the room. She REALLY needs your help ;)
Reader Comments (18)
For the chairs, I would suggest an chinoiserie style print from Signature Prints Florence Broadhurst range. Something along the lines of "circles and squares" in black/white or even yellow/white or japanese floral in black. As far as curtains.. I'm a bit stumped. Great windows, I've never lived with anything like it. I'm sure the solution will come. Good luck. Looks great so far.
4th picture, I would get a pole that goes across then entire wall and hang drapes higher, over the half moon window. You could get a slate colored sheer so light still comes through. There are other mainstream solutions like home depot with the bahama style shutters. They have a lot of options there.
Beautiful windows and quite tricky to solve also. For my part, I think the whole space needs to be somewhat unified. I would go for sheer or semi-sheer plain color. No print because there is already a lot going on. I like the idea of a single rod covering the wall with panels that can be pulled over the windows when needed. As for he half moon where you can see the neighbor house, maybe stained glass (or very inexpensive imitation with contact sheet) making sure it is not opaque. To unify, I would also slipcover the beige chairs, maybe with same color as window treatment. I hope you will keep us posted on what you decide to do.
I agree, there are some great elements to the space--mostly the space--large with lots to work with. In terms of the furnishings and wall treatments, the room seems to lack cohesiveness or gestalt. I think it's important to surround yourself with things you love but this room tends to go in multiple directions without some sort of link between each of the parts.
needs to be simplier ..and .... remove the cat tower..... does not enhance the space.... and it IS a beautiful space!
Hi, I'm a proponent if you have great windows take advantage of them. Also, when using fabric make a statement by going as high as possible. You can put a rod about 10" over your arch and draw the drapery back with some funky tiebacks, gems ect. you seem quite talented and bohemian so you can come up with something fun, even make your own and add some funky trim, gimp, buttons, ect. go on internet and get ideas. Your tall windows you will have to make yourself if on a budget, easy when then rod pocket. The cost comes in the rods, look around at discount places also the internet. I love the room with the opposite colors, blue and red can be very beautiful. Leave your blinds under for privacy. I Love the blue and pops of red, need red on sofa and the purple wall has to go. Sorry!
If you own the property... I would just replace the window pane in the arch with opaque glass... it at once lets the light in but offers you some privacy...
I would not cover the half-moon shaped windows. Unless you frequently descend the stairs naked and the neighbors hang out on their deck with binoculars, the pendant light that hangs in front of that window will give you some obscurity. You are in motion traveling up and down the stairs, so it's not as though you are stationary in front of the half-moon and have to worry about someone staring at you. All the window treatments need to be the same (not busy) material and hang at the same height.
The top of the lovely framed poster needs to be hung at the same level as the top of the window frames on each side. Of course, you don't want the bottom of the picture frame to be so close to the stove as to catch fire. :o) Or maybe that piece needs to be hung in another place. The same goes for all your art work in this big space---for example the picture near the stair is too high, as well. This move will pull together elements on your walls for unity and keep it from looking like everything is flying all over the place. I'd define an imaginary line around the space that is at the height of the normal windows and keep everything at or below that line. Then the half-moons can be a simple elegant feature in themselves to let in natural light without coverings.
I would get curtains in a pattern incorporating the red and purple colours. The curtains should make a statement, in my opinion and would make the room look more cohesive. I would also install bigger, chunkier rods on the windows beside the little fireplace. Also, I wouldn't worry about the semi round window...let it be..can anyone see in there?
Just a suggestion even though you didn't ask, consider a bigger fireplace between the windows. The one you have now just looks too small.
I would reupholster the chairs in a striped ticking fabric.
Hi! This isn't related to Wendy's question, but I noticed that she has a sofa that I've been stalking for months now. I love the shape and the all-over buttons. Does anyone know who makes this sofa and where can I get one?! I would be so grateful for any tips in the right direction!
I don't know if you own the property, but if you do here is what I would do:
have two tiered shutters. I noticed that you have some moroccan style furniture so you could incorporate that style by using a moucharabieh style . The advantage of two tiered shutters is that they give privacy without loosing light as you can close the bottom part (privacy) and keep the top part open (light). It has the opposite effect of a blind.
That would look fab with your simple drapes as well.
Hi, such a fab room and i love the style...similar to my own furniture. I LOVE the arched window, but i find it distracts from the beautiful furniture and room. I'd be inclined to raise the rod as far above the arch as possible and i'd hang something that looks natural like a linen/burlap and then find some cool offcuts or scarves/throws/solid colur like red and sew a thick ( at least 30cm/12 inches) border with this fabric.
Another option is matchstick blinds which will give some privacy but still let air and light in and then add lots and lots of netting curtain (ikea has them for $6 a pair) and draw it back for more light. The matchstick blinds will give the place more warmth, with such big windows it can sometimes feel a bit too light/stark.
I'd cover the chairs in something quite neutral like a charcoal or gray and then add interesting cushions /throws....persian/ethnic. You can look at getting the upholsterer to do an interesting little contrast piping or buttons in another colour (a few tones darker than the rest of the chair) ...just make sure to get a fabric that's for commercial use ie. REALLY durable.
Hope this helps. Would love to know what you decide on.
Goodluck :)
why don't you use extremely long curtains and play up the ceiling height? get some new custom shades for daytime privacy that don't block the light, and use the curtains (above the cathedral windows) for drama and architectural detail? keep your cat tree. it's your home, not a showroom.
Hi, I'm guessing these are the arched windows are the vinyl reproductions, popular in 90's tract homes. They usually have undersized, inappropriate trim/moulding or no trim at all. Generally speaking, not the prettiest of windows. They can be difficult and expensive to deal with.
I would remove all the rods. Buy, inexpensive matchsticks blinds and go BIG! Since, the smaller windows look too small in comparison to the big one, you can "enlarge" them by hanging the rods above and beyond the trim. Six inches up to a foot or more or taller and wider will give a more unified look to the whole space. Since you wouldn't be losing a fabulous view, I wouldn't feel bad about keeping the arches permanently shaded. I think obscuring the view of the neighbors deck would be a good thing! Add, side drapery panels if or when your budget allows.
The space appears to be a funiture obstacle course right now. Consider some serious editing of furniture. The space will be easier to live in when the flow of the room is better. If you can't bear to part with anything, use pieces throughout the entire house. Consider storing some things. You may decide you can live without them after they've been out of sight for a while. Perhaps, the chairs upholstery might work, as-is, in another room. Is the faux fireplace permanent? Could that be moved elsewhere? Try removing everything but the sofa. Try the sofa in several positions, until one feels comfortable, natural and puts you at ease. It should feel and look good as you enter the room and when seated. Slowly, add a piece at a time, just not every piece. Do you need both rugs in that room? One would probably look better. Try lowering your art. Just because you have tall ceilings doesn't mean your art should be hung near them. Wall art should be hung lower, gallery style, covering entire walls or at least in lower groupings. I think you'll find the room feels tied together, even if it is very eclectic with art brought closer to your actual living space. Good flow, a unfied, comfortable space and eclectic are not mutually exclusive! Editing can work wonders You'll probably appreciate your belongings more if they're not all in the same room.
That's my two cents worth. Good luck and have fun!
It seems you like the bohemian style. I agree with many of the respondents that you should raise the drapery rods. It seems heretical to not showcase the arches, but reality is that your walls are high and if you place the rods right above the window, it cuts the room in half horizontally. Bring up the rods and create drama. Regarding the fabric on your chairs- go with something ethnic inspired, like Suzani Fabrics, to tie together the room. I'd go for something with red, blues and purples- that would unite the colors you already have in the room. Here is a link to some examples:
Apparently, Calico Corners sells Suzani Fabric- around $40 a yard.
Hi Wendy,
I have to agree with some of the other 'Design Crew' that your space seems a little busy and lacking unification. Much of your furniture has a natural element to it - timber, natural fibres etc - with lots of textures and patterns. So, I would suggest keeping your window treatments simple. Timber shutters, as suggested by Selina, will allow light in whilst also providing lots of privacy for you. And they will look fabulous on all the different shaped/sized windows, especially making a feature of the arched window.
For your armchairs that you are planning to recover, perhaps a contrasting teal or similar blue/green patterned fabric? Signature Prints has a fabulous range of Florence Broadhurst fabrics - I would suggest either a nature-inspired print, like the Borderline Collection or something bold and ethnic like the Maison Collection.
I hope this helps - good luck!!
Personally I think the room must be sorted before you do anything with the furniture.The arched windows are nice so in front of the stairs so stained glass or similar with no curtains keeping it clean.You don't want to see the neighbours balcony but let light in.
The two rectangular windows plantation shutters and if you can afford it the same on the other arched window.This would be pricey but maintaining the view and shape of the arch here will look fantastic.
The cheaper option would be hanging sheer curtains high up all the same height and to the floor on all windows as others have said.
I would not waste money re-upholstering the chairs but slip covers may be a better option or replace them altogether.The plant stand between them and the barstool should go to the side of the road.Maybe replace the rug with something a bit more luxurious but no busy patterns.
Maybe the walls all off white but the purple definitely must go asap.
Once the walls and windows are sorteds then as D said take everything out and leave the sofa as it's the best piece.Add one piece at a time to assess as you go but remember less is more.
All the suggestions above are very good, I would go with hanging a pole high, all the way to the ceiling and have yards and yards of fine white wool, it gives a good fliter of light and softens the light and space. For the other 2 widows I would use the same white wool and make roman shades and hang them at least 6" to a foot higher than the windows to give the illusion of height to the windows and the room. The I would reconsider the painting you have betwwen the windows. Perhaps a mirror? But the present painting is higher than both the windows and makes that elevation out of proportion.
Yes re-upholster the chairs, a good textured linen would look lovely. Also rethink the tables, edit, eliminate or change.
All the best, Kelly