VoK Design Group
The other day while flipping through the Interiors issue of Ottawa Magazine that little 'ol me was featured in, there was a GORGEOUS kitchen featured that was the creation of a new firm based here in Ottawa called VoK Design Group. This firm was created about a year ago by Dylan O'Keefe and Thu Vu. It's so great to see such talent here in Ottawa, a city not exactly renowned for its exciting residential design. Dylan contacted me the other day and was kind enough to send along photos of the home featured in the magazine. Not only that, he saw my call for help with the exterior of our home and he offered to help us!!!! I cannot begin to explain to you how excited I am to have Dylan and Thu help us (hopefully - we need to talk to our architect). :-) Let me show you why I am elated at the prospect of getting advice from this firm....
Reader Comments (33)
wow! let me speechless!
Hi, just wanted to clarify that it's "its", not "it's". Just a little obsessive grammarian reminder. But the interiors are lovely.
That. Wood. Floor. Is. GORGEOUS.
Referring to the kitchen / living area.
love all of the wood in the kitchen with the bright white counter and framing - beautiful. Other than the slightly creepy coffee table it is a beautiful place through and through
OMG, this IS very exciting. We've left our kitchen and our bathroom until the end because they are such tiny, awkward spaces and will need a little know-how worked into the design. I love these photos.
Thanks astor - I wrote up about 10 posts on Sunday (prepping for my vacation) so there are likely a few errors...
Love everything, esp the master suite. Beautifully done, modern but not cold.
i keep seeing the lamps that are hanging over the dining table (specifically the one on the end). any idea who the manufacturer is or where they can be found (in the U.S.)?
stunning home!
bella, it is a cluster of Tom Dixon Beat Lights (try ylighting.com)
OMG this is beyond stunning! Love Love Love.
Sorry but I need to contradict Astor. I can't help it, I've been tutoring English in the inner city, so have become very obsessive. Which sentence are you referring to? If you are referring to "It's so great to see such talent here in Ottawa..." That is correct. Here is the rule:
it's = a contraction for it is
its = is the possessive form; no apostrophe - being one of the exceptions to the rules of possessives in English. English can get very confusing with exceptions.
Therefore, the sentence containing "renowned for its exciting design" is also grammatically correct.
That coffee table is amazing! A true statement piece!
Peggy darling, I had "renowned for it's exciting design". :)
Well, I can see why you would be a tad excited! That house is stunning! My life would change dramatically with a master suite like that. And the exterior...wow. I can't wait to see what Dylan and Thu have in store for you!
luv that coffe table!
Great piece on Dylan & Thu! I had read about Vok (can't remember where) and wanted to contact them about 6 months ago but unable to connect. So thanks for the link! You and Jeff must be so excited to have them involved in your renovation! Deborah, Green Light District Design, Ottawa.
A beautifully designed and built home. Check out http://www.rocahomes.ca/projects_canal_homes.html for more information on this house and other amazing work by another great Ottawa talent - Roca Homes.
Hi Kim:
I am so excited to hear that you'll be working with Dylan and Thu. They are so awesomely talented. I saw this house in real life and it is stunning. (I wanted that bathroom sooooooooooo much.) It doesn't really show in the pictures, but that house has some awesome design elements that hide storage space - Dylan and Thu have totally killer ideas for how to hide computer stations / pantries / tvs "in plain sight."
Sorry, Kim. Didn't mean to be so pretentious. :)
Sarah, given that my husband and I are techies, I should hit up Dylan and Thu for ideas on hiding computer stations. :)
Peggy, glad someone is paying attention and keeping me on my toes.
Ooooh.... I LOVE this house. Best of all: it's feasible in my climate! Thanx for the inspiration.
Go Ottawa go! What a stunning house, I would love to know the budget for this one. excellent choice of finish materials...and the lighting is awesome. LOVE LOVE LOVE the house. You must be thrilled about your exterior reno. All the best!
Hi, can you tell me anything about the pendant lights hanging over the dining table? I would love to find these! Thanks!
Krishni they are Tom Dixon Beat Lights
Thank you so much!