Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!)
This is our black lab Porter. We’ve been fighting him for 9 years to stay off the furniture, but we’ve pretty much given up. This is one of his favorite spots.
- Carrie & Ryan
This is by far my cats' favorite place to hang out in the apartment. The window overlooks I-90 and Lake Union in Seattle, so there is no shortage of things to look at, and facing west gives them a good amount of lazy day sun to enjoy (when we actually have sun, that is...).
- Rebecca
Our little guys name is MAX he's an 8 year old Yorkshire terrier, and He LOVES our new Wing back!!
- Ashli
Penelope's favorite spot in the house is our bed - she loves perching herself up at the end of the bed to watch youtube videos of other dogs on the TV. She also loves burrowing underneath the covers and finding a warm spot behind my knees. Sometimes we'll come into the room and she has built a fort out of the pillows - and you'll only see her eyes peeking over the top :)
- Jamie
Attached is a picture of Max, our 5 year old Mainecoon on one of our arm-chairs, sitting in his usual regal pose. The chair faces our front door, so the picture is representative of the first thing you see when you walk into our home. Also, our other Mainecoon, Gili usually resigns himself to the floor - you can see his tail in the lower right corner.
- Shruti
This is Oliver, our 7 year of Beagle who is so happy to have is newly recovered "favorite sleeping spot" back.
- Elizabeth (Dallas, Texas)
Attached are some photos of our cats Emma, Ollie, and Alfie. Although they're a bit fickle about their favorite spots, one thing stays consistent: they prefer to sleep on a blanket that's folded on top of a pillow that's placed on top of the actual piece of furniture they're sleeping on. (Divas!)
Photo 1: Emma relaxing on her favorite John Robshaw pillow in between the two boys; they have no manners and don't worry about leaving room for us.
Photo 2: This is Ollie on an antique armchair upholstered in beige velvet. He prefers an extra pillow and a plaid cashmere throw to really get his nap on.
Photo 3: We rescued little Alfie last April; his youth on the streets resulted in some strange habits, such as his propensity for napping on the cable box.
- Esther and John (Brooklyn, NY)
Hortencia, a lionhead bunny, sitting on a vintage 1960's bar chair, notice the fruits and onions in bowls behind her.
- Rebecca Sansom (Nashville, TN)
Our dog Harper is a Vizsla, and I have heard the breed called "Velcro dogs," meaning they like to stick to people. This is very true for her, so usually if she is on furniture it means we are on it as well. However, this one time she decided to be independent and sit on her own. Out of all the seats available to her, she chose to curl up in our papasan chair.
Watson is a very inquisitive kitty, and was very interested as I re-styled our bookshelves the other day. He tried sitting on each and every shelf until he finally settled amidst my husband's old college textbooks.
- Leslie
Reader Comments (10)
Always enjoy seeing these. My favorites this week are the smiling white cat and the last - on the bookcase - too funny.
I always look forward to these! I love the Mainecoon!!! I'm a little biased, but still :P And the pup Penelope, where she's sitting on the pillows, is so freaking cute :D I love seeing all the pets, and the places they make their homes in!
love the blog. off topic kind of question. Where did you get the couch in the first picture that has the cat on it? I have a chair I recently got from Bassett Furniture accent chair image here that is grey that I want it go with. The pillows I put on it have the same look as the buttons on this couch. It looks comfy and inexpensive since it isn't leather...where did you get it?
OMG that Seattle view is insane-- it looks like the couch is right on the porch!!
I love Penelope! Our Boston's do the exact same things, it's so funny...especially with the pillows :) She is SO adorable!!
Love that Seattle view! It's exactly where I would sit all day if I were a cat... or a human.
Pleeease... no more pets on furniture. They're cats! They're dogs! It's (usually quite nice) furniture. Enough.
we always love your pets on furniture.........sadly we lost our beautiful 13.5yr old cat a few seeing other cats in cute shots makes us happy!!
Love the very dignified feline trio of Ollie, Emma, and Alfie!
love these posts! it's so much fun to get a glimpse into people's homes and pets make the perfect tour guides!