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Now I want one of these

That's what happens when I real estate stalk. I see things I never knew I needed, have nowhere for them and must have whatever it is regardless. The hunt is one. I want a gramophone trumpet as a lampshade. I wonder how long it takes me to track one down at a ridiculously bargain price?

Reader Comments (8)

Now, this is where I help you ... I walked home passed a house in Bardon the other day and the lads were dragging a gramophone trumpet off the back of a trailer. It was the size of the trailer. I've never seen a gramophone trumpet as big as a small car. In fact, I'm sure I sure I saw a smaller one in their front yard.

I'll knock on their door to see if they have something.

25 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMMMC

I spotted some years ago at The Country Trader in Sydney, but a bargain price they were not! So, didn't buy them and regretted it ever since.

25 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkate

I too saw these at the Country Trader last year... gorgeous, gorgeous, and I wish I had sold my car to finance them! (pricey, yes)

25 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbronwyn
polish ebay, approx 60$:)

25 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenteringa

Why not try making one yourself?

25 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commentersue

OH MY GOD that kitchen is beautiful. I've never seen cabinetry like that, pure white with nothing to make it just look like a wall. Really opens up that narrow and space with a giant table. Combined with the windows, it doesn't seem so claustrophobic.

I am an owner of a restaurant in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin ( and we have a light fixture that features a gramaphone. It was made by a studio here in town called Refined Rustic. You can see the fixture on our website. Happy hunting.

26 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom Hartz

Hey, there is a great one on Etsy right now for $28 USD:

27 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commentercapucine

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