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Some odd and some not so odd spaces

I've got about 5 minutes to get this post ready as I REALLY must get back to studying (although I'm thinking that at this point, stabbing myself in the eye with a dull spoon would be SOOOO much more interesting). Luckily Jo has agreed to post for me tomorrow and Wednesday while I cram my brains out. So I quickly went looking into my folder of goodies and came across more photos I had saved from the Israeli site bvd back when I had found this overly industrial apartment. There was a gamut of spaces - from totally odd to modern and cool. Here is a bit of both - odd first, not so odd after the jump.


Reader Comments (6)

love the 'chair' in the photo 3 up from bottom... source, pls?

31 Oct 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/\

That black bathroom is so '80's! I can just picture the party migrating in there.

31 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmalia

Bonne chance pour ton examen, Kim!
A reader from Montreal who greatly appreciates your blog.

31 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGilda

Remember a few weeks ago, you put up some pics that you felt were the epitome of "decadent" and everyone said 'NO NO NO, those aren't decadent, they're just in bad taste!'? Yeah, so, the first nine pics here? DECADENT. Lovely, lovely decadence. That bedroom? Woof. Skirting the edge, but still doesn't tip into 'just bad taste', because they stuck to black&white. I'm hoping the chandalier really *is* as massive as the bed! I'm pretty sure I can reproduce that kitchen (near enough) with tin ceiling tiles and a trip to my local nursery... let's test that theory~!

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

The not so odd stuff is just plain boring in comparision. I'll see you in the bathroom Amalia. Fabulous!

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSammy

Those "odd" spaces are truly fabulous. I'd want to live in those places, except for the place in the first 2 pics. Agreeing with Sammy the modern stuff is boring compared to the odd stuff.

Have a fabulous weekend.

4 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSan

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