Never let your husband and his son near your computer
Jo - Hey honey my anti-virus thingy expires in 14 days. Should I renew or buy a different one?
Kelvin - I'll get D (my stepson) to install a different one. I have an extra licence.
Jo - Thanks honey.
That was Wednesday. 4 days later and I'm still without my computer. They decided to change my operating system and screwed it up once and after 6 hours today apparently we are still waiting for "number 3 of 4 to install not turn off your computer". Or was that 2? God I hope it isn't 1. Then we still have to install that illusive security software. You know. The one in the conversation above. The one mentioned 4 days ago. I can't get near my files, my Photoshop, my Snagit, my bookmarks. (Help I'm lost without my bookmarks!) Those who are tech savvy will shake your head at my inadequacy but I'm like most of you. I drive the bus. I don't build it or service it.
Long story short I'm on my teeny tiny netbook and it's another stalking post. They're easy to do especially when you don't have all the fancy tools you're used to having at your finger tips. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow .... or the next day .... or the next.
Oh the house. I almost forgot. Who could believe that behind its tiny unassuming facade is such a lovely house? Favourite bits? The spiral staircases, the garden and the wine cellar. I could live and die in a wine cellar I do believe ;) Link here while it lasts.
Reader Comments (9)
time to invest in a mac...better graphically and you don't have to fart around with antivirus software that is then incompatible with operating systems etc etc, hope it gets sorted soon, love your "finds"
Those rooms are inside *that* house?! That is the biggest disconnect between curb appeal and interior design I've ever seen... that being said, I'd take that house in a heart beat ;)
I love that this house is so inconspicuous!
- agata
You are too funny! Your life is anything but uninteresting. I have been enjoying your blog for less than a year and you've had a cabinet fall on you, you fell in the street and now this. How entertaining and endearing. Good luck with your computer (you were missed).
The atrium courtyard is the best part of this house. All the green is very appealing and private. I love a courtyard where you can see the other rooms across the way. The abstract art in the dining room adds drama and the warm wood floors are yummy.
Great find and thanks for sharing, Jo, even despite your circumstances. Stay strong! Your humor is delightful.
Gorgeous home- unexpectedly large. Hang in there with the IT issues Jo!
oh dear. i feel for you. as i was reading your post, i was thinking the same thing as "monkeynuts". get a mac. bring it home, take it out of the box, plug it in and you can start working immediately with no glitches or weird software compatibility problems -- ever.
there are probably (probably, but i'm not positive about that) good reasons for some people to have a PC -- data crunchers, for example. but for a creative/visual person like you, there's no contest. get a mac.
oh no....i've been having issues w/ my pc (which is actually my husband's old one, as my own died some time ago). i'm convinced it's time for mac again! :)
as for these rooms- brilliant use of curves in both the architectural elements and the furnishings! it's a pleasing balance of form, line, etc, etc.
I stalk this house in the real daily as its just around the corner from me! If it could I would be happy to snap it up!
& I sympathise with the computer issues & I want a Mac but when the crunch came - I decided to spend the moolah on a chair re upholstery instead!!
Wow, my wife really wants to add a spiral staircase to our basement. The wine cellar could be a terrific selling point for me to go along with the whole idea.
Oh, and ditto on getting a Mac - we've not had an issues in my practice or at home since making the switch
A great blog - keep up the awesome work!