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Got what it takes to be the Top Design?

Top Design has been a sensation on American TV. It has been the talk of the blogosphere. Now it's Australia's turn. Amy emailed me earlier in the week.

I’m a casting director for Granada Media in Sydney and we are currently looking for designers, artists, creatives and decorators for a new design-based reality television show called TOP DESIGN. The show will go to air on Channel Nine and will be hosted by Jamie Durie.

I came across your fantastic blog Desire to Inspire and would love to know if you’re interested in applying for the show? We’re really looking for people with a strong sense of aesthetics and a passion for design- which you obviously have- not just working interior designers!

After my ego just about exploded I calmed down and realised it's not for me for sooooo many reasons BUT I know that amongst our Aussie readers there is so much talent that I'm sure we could find the winner. Are you super-talented? Of course you are! Do you have a fabulous sense of design style? Of course you do you read DTI! The call for contestants is out. Whether you are a home renovator, stylist or interior decorator, if you know how make a home or a room spectacular then all you need to do is click on over to Top Design's website and apply. Go on. I know you want to. More importantly I know you can win!

Reader Comments (7)

So wish I had the guts to do this! I'm pretending to mull it over (I got a similar email but haven't replied yet), but like you I know it's not me for so many reasons too. I like my privacy and people not recognising me at the supermarket way too much. Plus how on earth I would get by without seeing my hubby, I do not know. It's funny the actual design competition part doesn't worry as much as being on tv. But I can't wait to watch the show, I'll be literally glued to the screen.

22 Jan 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjulie

You lucky ducks! I wish our Top Design would come back.

P.S. The lady knows talent when she sees it!

I saw this (via Jason Grants blog) .. and wondered just what was involved. I thought the looonnnngggg applicaiton document looked OK-ish to start with - then got to the 'can be photographed clothed or semi-clothed' and wondered how that had to do with design. I do love homeshows though and will keep my eyes peeled for who does what and how. Congrats on them emailing you though - hope your exploded ego is now back firmly in your grasp - and you continue to inspire our desires!!!

22 Jan 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLinda from OEKE

hehe, i got emailed about this too, and i had the exact same reaction you did : )

looking foreward to watching this though.

I got the email too, I've been trying to work out whether I should also apply too.

Why not, we only live once!!

Soooo excited to see this show come to oz anyways xx

I received the same email, but I certainly don't work quickly enough for such a show! I hadn't even heard of Top Design before, but it will be interesting to see if any names we know end up being chosen!

23 Jan 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex Louisa

why the heck not in poland! :(

23 Jan 2011 | Unregistered Commentermon

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