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Reader request - mantels

This week's reader request comes from Nicola in London: "Our living room has a beautiful original Victorian fireplace but I am struggling to figure out what would look good on the mantelpiece (I think they are just called mantels in the U.S.) I have tried a few arrangements but nothing I have put together so far seems to work...." Simple enough. I think when you've got a Victorian fireplace, you could decorate it with virtually anything as they are so beautiful to begin with. :)  Anyway, here are many photos of fireplace mantels and the assorted decor they hold. (And if you're looking for art ideas to hang over the fireplace, check out this post I did a while back).

House Beautiful
Apartment Therapy
Todd Yoggy
Luca Trovato
Heather Jenkinson
House Beautiful
Martha Stewart

James Merrell Simon Brown
Inspace Locations Stacey Brandford
Yatzer Elle Decoration South Africa
Paul Viant Johnstons
design*sponge The New York Times

Reader Comments (12)

Otthon is really nice
and The New York Times also! my favs.

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkleis

ooo! Great images, I can always use more mantel inspiration!

New to the blog and lovin' it!!

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

Hey, that's my mantel created by Heather Jenkinson. She has actually redone it recently - even better photos soon.

Love your website - I am a total addict and check it every day..

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Holder

Such a great variety of mantel ideas, love it, thanks!

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLe Cosette

The mantelpiece is a sort of litmus test for those who have design chops... I fail it...

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTricia Rose

looks like a real testament to the old 'less is more' adage.

16 Sep 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlea

I think decorating the mantel is an art in itself. It has taken me three years of arranging and rearranging to get mine to where I like it. All these mantels are very inspiring, has me thinking about some new possibilities.

17 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTaunnie

Thank you Kim for the inspiration! Very much appreciated. (Tricia Rose and Taunnie - I'm glad I'm not the only person who has had trouble getting this right!)

17 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNicola

way too lovely!

17 Sep 2010 | Unregistered Commenteramybeth

Are we voting?!? I hope so.

Domino -- the ornate mantle with the circular mirror & b/w deco
Simon Brown -- I love the abandoned, steam-punky look

The rest... maybe I've seen too many arrangements on mantles. I felt as if I'd seen them all before, somewhere.

18 Sep 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

I love your site. Every day I find different images and beautiful. Serves as an inspiration.

21 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVirginia Fassarella

I have just saved 5 of these pics. Not out of any particular fireplace interest but just cuz they are a terrific collection of spaces - great post.

23 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSam

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