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Sara Essex Bradley


Such beautiful soft light. I feel like I could dive in and swim through it. The light in Australia is so harsh and bright that photos like this are like a glass of cool water. So calm and revitalising. (OK the bright pink wall can hardly be called calm but you know what I mean.) New Orleans based photographer Sara Essex Bradley is like the eye of a cyclone. She stands in a room with her camera and all around her is calm. The kids may be running through, the cats are clawing at the rug, life goes on and the telephone is ringing but where Sara stands and aims her camera life stands still and beauty is what results. More after the jump.











Reader Comments (16)

No. I can usually find the qualities which attracted you to a photographer or designer, and find further attractions in their work as well. But this time -- no. Lack of focus is not 'calm', and poor framing doesn't add that certain something.

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

LOL oregonbird! No one can accuse you of not speaking your mind. Guess we'll have to disagree this time.

4 Aug 2010 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

that pink wall is right up my alley, love it!

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEmma

I like the wall treatment on the second pair of photos! Fantastic!

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEleni

Sorry guys, I'm with oregonbird. Unlike ob I often don't get the attraction to many photographers. Provide a beautiful or intriguing space, the right light, and a topline digital slr and, well. A few, and i do mean a few, photographers really get the essence or truth of a moment, Ivan Tetschenko comes to mind (spelling could be wrong!). Probably those that shoot for Interiors, they seem to get it...not mumsy, every interior looks vaguely similar kinda publications, harsh, but my view.

Have to admit to being on the fence here. The rooms, for the most part, look great but ipaint is correct about the ease/difficulty of producing truly stellar photos. Also ... will the antler thing never end?

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLin

I'm with Kim on this one. The way she captures the light is outstanding. I don't know that I would discribes these rooms as "calm" .. but they certainly aren't static. They have an expectant quality about them, like someone just left but will be right back. They come across as more truthful versus many of the very over styled interiors I've seen. Thanks for sharing Kim.

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBev65

By the way, I don't get the antler thing either, and I'm from TEXAS!

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBev65

how fun is that bright pink wall with all of the unexpected little chairs?

I'm glad I'm not a professional photographer (architecture and art are in my bag)---I'm just enjoying being invited into these spaces. Thanks for sharing, Jo!

4 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSparky

I'm with Sparky....I enjoy the chance to see the creativity that has gone into creating these wonderful and different spaces. Thank you Jo!

5 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

Have to agree on the antler thing-enough already. The best version I've seen recently is in the Summer Vogue Living in the Yabu Pushelberg NYC condo. Love so many of the photographers you feature; this might not be the best but I find I focus more on the contents anyway; always looking for great fabrics, furniture, & more.

5 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKarin

What is that pink? I need that pink slathered all over my courtyard like a blushing harlot.

And i agree- no more antlers or eames chairs. Enough!

6 Aug 2010 | Unregistered Commentertporemba

Does anyone know where the wire chandelier with paper hanging off is from? I've been looking forever for that exact fixture.

6 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCurious

Curious, that light fixture is by Ingo Maurer and is called Blushing Zettel'z.

6 Aug 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

im pretty sure all of these spaces are here in New Orleans, but i know for a fact the rooms with the wood paneled walls are those of the creole house lived in by the very stylish Mary Cooper in the upper ninth ward.

24 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommentermarignyB

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