Justine Hugh-Jones
It's a mix of contemporary, antique and custom that interior designer Justine Hugh-Jones brings to her work. Layering texture on texture in her mainly monochromatic rooms hers is an easy elegant style. It's a refined Australian style but via France, Belgium and Scandinavia as Justine studied and worked in Europe before moving to Australia more than a decade ago. In this time Justine has really embraced a casual style that embraces the Australian light and the open plan living common here. I really love her bathrooms. I'm saving these in my inspiration file. (I just wish that the images on her website were bigger ... I need to drink in the detail.)
Reader Comments (10)
Thanks for this; definitely one for the inspiration files!
the white floors make me think of vicente wolf. definitely in a good way!! If I didn't have an adorable black dog, I would love to do this in my home.
I want this house. The colors and tones I love, all in one beautiful home!!! Envious...
Is that a sleeping area for 4 guests???? So smart and amazing!
Is this what heaven looks like?
there are some very appealing images here. question: the kitchen shot we you can see the floor leading to other rooms - why is it that light colored wood almost always looks wrong?
Love the first photo of the beach house kitchen...I know a farmhouse that would look excellent with this setup. Thanks for posting.
From Bali With Love,
You can read more about this design and see larger pictures of it in this pdf document:
As always your reports are sources of inspiration and pleasure for the eyes.
Soon. Co
Wow, your web site is amazing! The precision to detail is effort less yet very clever.
I'm a total fan. Thank you so much for sharing all your years of knowledge & ideas.