Bruce Hemming
A good photographer makes my day. A damn fine one just makes it better. Welcome to the portfolio of Bruce Hemming. Don't you just love that first picture. It's so much fun! I think it's Bruce's use of natural light that appeals the most and the fact that these are real spaces, homes you could imagine yourself living in. What I can't show you here is his panoramas. through his lens rooms, houses, resorts come to life. Move around. Take it all in. He's a wizard. Check out this one!
Reader Comments (10)
oooh, the pink kitchen! I.WANT.
and what an AMAZING view the last 2 photos have! i'd love to wake up to that :)
I love the pink kitchen!
That entrance hallway. And the half moon glass above the doorway. It's so beautiful it hurts my eyes to look!
wow, beautiful!!
oooh, while i have a large yard to admire, i don't have this VIEW! breathtaking.
Those slip covered chairs in the I would love to be there with a good friend rather than at my desk!!
Photos three through six are awesome. Love the glamour juxtoposed with the rustic beams. GREAT space captured really well with GREAT photography.
Ah. The pink kitchen.
These spaces are incredibly inspiring!!
Looking for inspiration for upcoming home decor event on my blog - love these photos, especially the stone walled-homed