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A great book, a great store, and a great opportunity

Since I have the day off from work I thought I'd use this opportunity to get through some posts I have been wanting to include here lately that I haven't had a chance to what with wedding plans monopolizing what little spare time I have.

To start, even though Jo mentionned this book back in a WINKS post in April, I finally got my hands on a copy (gotta love snail mail from the other side of the world) and wanted to do my own plug, because it is JUST THAT GOOD. The book I speak of is Australian stylist Megan Morton's Home Love. And I have ALOT of love for this book. I have not had a chance to devour every word yet but I have devoured every photo and they are stunning. What I have managed to read of it so far is very useful tips and suggestions for creating different flavours of rooms. Megan has included alot of her own personal experiences which I think brings this book to a certain level of reality. It's definitively one of my new favourites that will sit proud on my coffee table, and I highly suggest that if you don't have a copy already, that you go find one ASAP (or try here). Oh - and Megan happened to mention our little blog on page 92. :) Here is a sneak peak...


Next order of business is a new advertiser has joined DTI, and I'm totally stoked about this one. It's a shop called Redefine Home, run by David Betz and Linsi Brownson, a home builder and interior designer by trade. They started this online shop last year,  and are proud to work with local artists and small companies, and offer products that are exclusively made for Redefine Home. They offer a bit of everything, from furniture, lighting, textiles, kitchen and bath products, art...they have it all.  I'm stoked because there are so many items they carry that I'd love to get my hands on. (Shipping is free on orders over $50 in the U.S. and I am pleased to tell you that they ship to Canada! And the UK!) Here are just a few of my favourites:


And lastly, I received an email from Greg at 2Modern who wanted to put the word out that they are looking for some new guest bloggers on the 2Modern blog. Anyone can inquire. Guest bloggers post once a week on a chosen day...topics range from modern design, architecture, furniture, lighting, etc. The bloggers are from all over the world (but posts are in English only) and from all walks of life (architects, modern connoisseurs, designers, etc.). A link to contact them if you're interested is here.

Reader Comments (6)

Two post about the same book, I must check it out. I love these ideas so far.

xoxo, T

1 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

These photos look gorgeous and incredibly inspiring in making our homes 'lovely.' Thank you for posting about it yourself, since I didn't see the other post!

...have a nice, relaxing day off:).

Looks like it is a great book, the author encouraging everyone to think outside the box :)

1 Jul 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdesign traveller

the pictures from the book look amazing! seems like a catchy book! thank you for sharing!

Congratulations on your mention. You must be completely over-the-moon. And the book looks so good. Will have to pick it up.
Thanks for sharing!
XO Piper

Great! and the DTI beat goes on!

1 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYpille

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