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House facade help

I could not resist posting this request we got recently from Marcelo and Shanti: "We bought a house for us and our three kids... but the facade is ugly as it gets... Please help us as our kids are ashamed from the house..." I have to admit that this may be one of the ugliest exteriors I've ever seen.

Does anyone have any suggestions for these poor folks? I'm clueless when it comes to exteriors - and when it's this wacky I'm even more clueless. (I would like to make one suggestion - that you save up some cash to get that top left window replaced so it can be the same size as the others).

Reader Comments (41)

Oh what wonderful people who contribute to this site! Really amazing the human love to help! I'd just build a wall! Just jokes! Good luck!

9 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarahj

If this could be brought to beauty (link below), yours can also: Scroll to the last pictures.

Also, there is nothing for your kids to be ashamed of - even if the house is really bad and ugly - which yours is not. I guess it is one of the pitfalls of us foreigners (if I guessed it right) coming to the new country and trying to succeed in every way. And you succeeded - you have this potentially beautiful house which you can make amazing and yours!


9 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatalia

I would do the following (most of which has been mentioned above):

1. Build a 2nd floor porch/veranda along the whole front of the house, and tear down the roof above the door.
2. Replace the big 2nd floor window with sliding glass doors.
3. Replace the smaller window with a normal-sized window, or at least with a window without the diamond shaped decoration.
4. If budget allows, replace window next to door and 1st floor big window with simple windows without decoration.
5. Door could be replaced with more modern door, but not strictly necessary.

Good luck, and do post AFTER pics whatever you decide to do!

9 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnne

I would paint the brick a neutral color and the top siding a complimentary. So like some type of earthy brown green. Replace those windows and add shutters. You could even throw a porch on the front to add some dimension or at least make the doorway more inviting. Wow this needs some help but there is a lot of potential. Plants add so much and though the first year never looks as good the following years will pay off. If you have not seen curb side appeal you should Hulu it, it will change your life.

9 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I know of at least three or four rooms and houses that asked for advice we've never heard back from. Do you ladies have time to get in touch and see if anything was actually done, what advice was useful, maybe get some ta-da! pics?

9 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

I would kill for that facade!, Remove awnings! asap, and get rid of all the overgrown plants and trees, blocking the house. In the planting box under the downstairs windows, plant a row of Box wood! all the same hieght and shape, or square round square round. Even 2 cones at both ends. Where the big pine tree is, plant 5 in any pattern Beech trees with patch of dirt showing. THese will grown slender and tall, providing shade but not blocking the house.
On the other side, rip out whatever is growing and a Rodadendron, typical of the period of the house. CHANGE THE DOOR! do something uber modern and with wood, maybe diamond window remencent of the period. It looks like the porch sinks, one step down, If so, under the post box, A planter with some sort of favorite plant and change the mailbox to a modern box. Paint the second floor slate blue or gray! Kill the grills in the window and get the gate off the downstairs BARS!
Have fun and look at all the blogs!

10 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

oregonbird, the way I usually deal with reader requests is that I email the reader when I've gotten their post ready (the night before) and let them know their post is coming up. Often the reader will then leave comments on the post and most will thank us via email at which point I tell them that we'd love to see after photos when they're done. And then there are others we never hear from again....

10 Jun 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

If you are after a more modern look, I would render the bottom part of the house, then paint it in a warm, dark gray color. Keep it white or light above, paint the door in a funky bright color, to make a statement.. , the windows will need some attention at least from of the front of the house. Also, create some more interest with plants maybe native green plants in front of the house and along the path.. that's my 2 cents worth.. good luck..

10 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnnika

With what your wallet allows... I would paint the whole house a nice gray shade. Loose the awnings. Under the small window attach a black wrought iron flower box with long vining plants and flowers. Paint the front door shiny black . Accent the front entrance with a neat red mailbox and house numbers. Plant red flowers in urns and planters to tie it all together. Just clean up the front landscaping. Black shutters and painting the chimney black would look even nicer. Baby steps.

10 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commentermelinda

Hey everyone!

Wow. Thanks for all the great ideas and nice comments. We'll definitely post photos when we are done.

Shanti & Marcelo

11 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShanti

3 really easy things:

1. Put a long window box planter on your smaller window and plant some vines and voluptous flowers in it so that they hang down, filling that empty space and balancing out the size of the other window

2. Change your front door!! It's HORRID and cheap looking- that window cutout makes me want to barf. Something like the middle door in this arangment would look great- I think a light, unfinished-looking wood would look great with the brick and siding:

3. You need some vertical bushes or plants in front of that wall to the left of your front door, it's too bare and harsh.

I think the house has interesting character that has been butchered by not using the right finishing touches, that's all.

11 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJewel

Also, please don't put plastic trinkets in your window boxes over wintertime... sorry, oregonbird! ah!

11 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJewel

Tell your kids to be grateful they are not living here:!!!%20jakarta.indymedia--09.jpg

Your house is nothing to be ashamed of.

11 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

I look at this facade and assume the awnings are a reaction to some strong light. i would love for this to go to a more striking extreme, yet not garish, more naturalistic. Wide (10-12") wood planks (cedar perhaps) that would run vertically hanging over the brick at varying lengths, generally following the line of the lower windows, with longer pieces were space allows. As for the portico an elegantly curved piece of plywood would be striking, provide cover from the elements, and contrast the linear elements - while conjuring the elegance of an Eames plywood chair. as for the awnings - I would do a slatted wood on a dark metal frame.

as for the landscaping - keep the big trees - it took them long enough to grow, and unless they are damaging something they needed be removed. perhaps some climbing roses along the mailbox wall, they could eventually grow up the newly planked facade.



18 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterK:ra

Have you trioed to advise them local (home) stager? Would make some suggestions during consultation and this can be for lower price or free as a part of promotion, if starter...What area is it?

28 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarek

This is a really beautiful house facade! Admire your work and your picture documentation!

10 Apr 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNicky Vicky

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