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A girl can dream

It looks pretty certain that with my husband's new job (yay!) that we will be moving to the next city (not so yay!) in a few months. The house search starts all over again and in a new town, my old home town. Never thought I would be going back after I escaped left 30 years ago. One consolation though is that the real estate is cheaper and the place is full of gorgeous old timber homes. Today I'm stalking this home. Built in 1890 it oozes the old house charm I'm craving. Needs work though. Lots of painting, tweek the kitchen and bathroom, bring the garden back to life, fences, deck and of course it's much more than we can afford right now. Do you think it can stay unsold for say ... oooh ... 8 to 10 months? Then we could just about do it :) A girl can dream. More after the jump.

P.S. Because I really really want this house even if I can't afford it and no one else can have it until I can here is the general link to the real estate site but no direct link .... wouldn't want someone else to buy it! I know I've jinxed my dream already :P

Reader Comments (24)

Amazing...tons of potential...that deco woodwork is incredible...good luck!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

that's fantastic! A hearth in the kitchen, lovely little porch, such wonderful details - hope it lasts for you -

Absolutely amazing! My friends father used to own a business that made these cast iron details and they had a gorgeous verandah around their home - the perfect spot to watch the sunset...
I'll cross my fingers for you! - this place has so many amazing architectural details - so, so much potential!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterescapade

I'm betting it'll still be on the market when you're ready!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDG

WOW, lots of character and loads of potential!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSheylavee

Great bones - so much potential!

Fingers crossed it doesn't sell AND they reduce the price.

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

Look at those floors! I'd love to see what you do with it. My fingers are crossed!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVctoria

Very interesting and lovely home. So much character. Hope it works out for you.
Keep thinking positive!

That place it a work of art. I think you might be okay. A lot of buys don't have the vision that you (and many a design blog reader) have. Most just want a move in ready. That place deserves someone with vision :) good luck.

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Winchester

This place is wild and wonderful in a bringing-civilization-to-the-colonial-wild-west sort of way. I know whether it's this home or another, you WILL find a home you love! ~Sparky

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSparky

I bet a lot of buyers will be intimidated with how much work has to be done with it. You never know, it could still be there! Good luck!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSerena

I'm a new follower, new blog reader, new blogger and am loooooooooving this new [to me] world of inspiration, creativity, kindred spirits...
...which is why I have so enjoyed reading your blog. I am not sure where you are currently living, or where your hometown is (since I'm a newbie:), but I will have to dig a little deeper to get caught up!
Look forward to continuing to read (and comment) and get to know you better!

Am I the only one who thought those pictures weren't real ?! They look like photoshopped 3D renderings ...

The house's crazy though, love it. The kitchen, oh my, I'd white wash the walls and paint the mantel white and it'd be perfect.

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStepanka

Ohhhhhh man. I swear to you I'm in constant search of a patio approved home and this one definitely meets the requirements. Too bad I don't really see the architecture fitting in among the adobe's of the desert but whatevs. The point is, you need to get into this house an make us both proud!!! Ya!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErika-2 by Design

Oh! What a great house... You never know... The economy might help you out here. :)

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenteralexa


can anyone tell me what that piece of furniture (3 seat chair) in the 5th and 6th picture called?


29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterja

Loving the Queenslander style so OTT yet practical in the heat with those deep verandas - where you off to?

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSammy

Oh I can see why you love it, it has AMAZING potential. The hardwood floors are beautiful. Good luck!

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

What a gorgeous old home. I would leave the timber walls in the kitchen and get new light coloured cabinets etc. Those walls could be the original unpainted hoop pine variety. I am into modern but when I see an old queenslander like this one I could easily have one again. (Only I know how much work they are :)
Thanks for the post.

29 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlea

It's beautiful and like you said it needs work. They say that the best houses are the old ones built because of the architectural woods. (i think) Also, looking through the pictures, it definitely speaks old charms.

30 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdavey

It is SO beautiful!! Since I can't have it, I truly hope that you are able to make it yours!

30 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Hi Jo,

You are a clever (and well known) girl. Can't you just get a sponsor to help you buy that big old place? Make a proposal to Dulux, Haynes or Porters. Go on you can do it.

Good Luck

30 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commentermarilyn

Jun 10 I only know that chair as a conversation chair or tete-a-tete chair but I'm sure it has a real name. Sammy it's Ipswich. And sadly I have just managed to get onto RP Data to find out that they paid way too much for it 2 year ago so the price will not being going down very much at all. Sadly it won't be ours but ... I have my eye on a brick and slate 1860 girl's school with 3 fireplaces, a slate roof (OMG) and cedar everywhere. A very scary house though as far as the amount of work goes. The hunt goes on :):):)

2 Jul 2010 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

When I saw the first few photos I couldn't imagine why you liked the house. I do like the transoms and the stained glass... then I continued to scroll through and saw more and more features that appealed to me and finally understood why you fell for the place! It grows on you! Now I love it...

6 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterClassof65

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