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Monday's pets on furniture

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!)

"Here is my dog Baron on our Chesterfield.  Sometimes I come home and see him sitting like that waiting for me!  He's about 100 pounds at 18 months and cuddly like a teddy bear."
- Jeanette

"Baleia (adopted dog) on a Florence Knoll armchair."
- Mika (São Paulo, Brazil)

"My dog Tyke caught in the act. The Eero Saarinen Womb Chair is a definite no-no, but while I was out Tyke made it a yes-yes."
- Bess

"here i send you 2 pictures of my "little tulip" chairs by paul paulin with my cats "eimer" (black and white) and "chef" (the grey one) on it, 5 year old sister-cats. chef used to sharpen her claws on it but now - after some damage - she fortunaltely stopped. in addition comes another picture of eimer on my former bookshelf. she loved to be there when visitors where in the apartment. she could overlook everything being in a relatively safe place at the same time."
- Sabine (Hamburg, Germany)

"Here is our precious english bulldog ziggy who lives on all our furniture including our bed...
here is Ziggy with Poncho on our Swedish Pink couch (recovered but not safe from Dogs)
- Carolyn

"Stella my French bulldog on ikea outdoor chair."
- Allison

"My cat Egor, basking in his favorite rattan chair! I'm proud to say that both the cat and the chair are rescues, found on the side of the road."
- Michelle

"Marie-Léon, un teckel cubain magnifique qui trône sur tous mes meubles"
- Paul-André

"This siamese kitty is Gros Garcon, aka GG. He is a very kind and laid back fellow who came into my life about 2 years ago, while I was fostering for an animal shelter. He met and befriended his best buddy Petite Fille, aka Mimi, while residing at the shelter, and their relationship was just too sweet for them to part ways when the time came for a permanent home -- so I took them both in. They are absolutely adorable and make for great additions to my family."
- Gaelle

 "This is my co-worker's King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, Henry, asleep on the sofa.  As you can see, he's getting a lot of work done today in our office."
- Amber

"Here's a picture of my cat on a Quinze & Milan seat"
- Hannes

"Here are our two lovely cats, Niobe and Louie, breaking in the Room & Board sofa that we just brought home yesterday.
Our mutt, Andy, is getting ready to watch TV in one of our microfiber West Elm armchairs.
- Lauren

"my almost 4 year old dog cici (dalmatian mix with pit bull terrier) enjoys the couch...and cici is in her favorite position on the couch, showing off her polka dot pink belly"
- CeliaSue

"Here are photos of my beloved Belgian Shepherd Zoe, enjoying life on the sofa in my home office.  I've chosen to make extra covers for the pillows and cushions to keep things clean."
- Joy

"This is my lab/shar pei/golden retriever Princess Brinkley...on the coffee table."
- Beverly

P.S. For more pets on funiture check this out. Thanks Myles!

Reader Comments (18)

*** I got "stuck" on the FIRST PIC~~~ that precious "HORSE" just stole me heart!!! What a LOVEBUG!!!!! Makes me SMILE BIG!!!

Linda in AZ *

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda in AZ *

P.S. "Baron" LOOOKS like a "BARON"!!! And those English bulldogs??? Toooooo cute!!! Heck, ALL of these babies are!!! ***

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda in AZ *

@ Carolyn: what kind of a dog is Poncho (on the pink couch)? Is he/she Havanese? I almost leaped out of my chair when I came across that picture because Poncho looks EXACTLY like my Havanese dog Kukka. Even the lenght of her hair is exactly at the same point. It was almost freaky - I thought, 'Oh my God, somebody went into my apartment in Edmonton Canada, took my dog and placed it on a pink couch with the other dog and took a photo.' Uncanny!

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPia

we're not sure what Poncho is, as our friend found her a the back of a grocery store in the rain. No name, tags or anything, so he kept her. We take care of her often and she is a doll! we think cross between Maltese and something, so it could be Havanese too!

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commentercarolyn Gavin

I love the last little baby! She looks like an troublemaker aka "imp"! I also have a soft spot for Siamese. So sweet!

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatelynne

Oh my gosh. That first one is hilarious!!!!! I love it!

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Winchester

Carolyn: In the rain at the back of a grocery store?? How terrible for the poor little thing! She must have been really scared. Well, thank goodness she has found a good home. I just keep staring at the picture - looks so much like my Kukka.

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPia

Carolyn - your Maltese mix looks EXACTLY like my puppy, Penny. She's a maltese-poodle mix but she's a little large than the typical. They look identical!!

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

Are you sure Carolyn's dog is not just pure Havanese like mine is? Mine looks like hers and is pure Havanese. But I guess Carolyn would know best. Mine is classified as Champagne Mink in the colouring... and boy, is she ever! All posh and high class ; - )

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPia

Proncess Bronkley is too funny!! And the first dog sitting in the chesterfield too. They're all beautiful babies. This post is the only good thing with mondays...

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbobbi

goodness, i love the first picture! such a poised young man.

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkate

I can tell from the number of pets on furniture their are a lot of pet lovers out there, and rightly so! Have I told you how much I love this post? Well I'll tell you again, it makes my day!


14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGina

The first one WOW, I had to take a second look. I'm always amazed when I look at these photos.

14 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

"Baron, sir, I swear I'll bring your your daughter back before midnight."

15 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbuday

I love you pets on furniture posts. Baron--perfectly named--is my favorite of this batch. The look on his face is the best.

15 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenterleigh

Baron, the bulldogs and the spaniel, everyone of them is too cute. Love them all.

16 Jun 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSan

Baron's is the best pet portrait I've ever soon. It's genius.

21 Jun 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranna

Princess Brinkley is killing me! So funny!

8 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

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