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Off the shelf retro

I'm still flipping through the pages of Storage, A House and Garden Book, Melinda Davis, Pantheon Books, New York, 1978. Fab homes and fab ideas. I'd move right in to any of them. OK I lie. I just can't do primary colours. Never could. So no red chairs and green walls and what I think is the world's largest stack of Componibili storage units. I will however spend tonight dreaming of the Shaker room. Sigh. Don't forget that there is more retro deliciousness after the jump.

Reader Comments (6)

Wow! I can't believe that these interiors are actually from the seventees! To me, these spaces seem more contemporary than retro. The only thing that gives it away is the old Tv sets and other electronics in the shots. I especially like the first and third shot, I could absolutely live there!

WoW, the 70s?....these look so now without a doubt!

25 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

1970's retro! Nice - if you like the era pieces - although there are spaces that look quite mod! The green walls and red chairs are a bit much but I would love to design for a client!

25 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKG from KG Style

These are so much fun! Love when post images like these!!!

25 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthe zhush

I love these, especially that third picture. I am completely obsessed with big bookshelves--they just say "home" to me.

25 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterandi

Those red and yellow chairs are so now.

25 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeanne

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