... restoring 40s plywood chairs
WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?
- Start them young :) Australian company little nest miniaturizes modern classics for children. Eames Lounges, Egg Chairs, Bertoia Chairs, LCW Chairs and more. Now available in the US too. Richard emailed to tell us introduce us to little nest. "We believe it's important to introduce children, from an early age, to the benefits of great design. Most of our chairs are suitable from about 18 months - or when they can safely sit - to around 12. I sit in a yolk chair (our children's egg chair) most nights to read stories to my daughter. They are built to last and it is our intention that these will be pieces that are handed down to future generations." Midcentury classics for 21st century kids.
- Jewellery for your drains? Why not! I love these nickel patterns by Designer Drains. A pretty finishing touch where you least expect it. The everyday should be lovely.
- Inside Out magazine is holding an online auction of stunning art works by leading Australian artists, designers, stylists and artisans as part of their 10th anniversary celebrations. One of my favourites is this Megan Morton print. Very Old Masters in a modern day. Rich and lush and perfect for an ultra modern dining room. The auction for Megan's work and lots more including a fabulous David Bromley work begins 27th April, 2010 at 10am (Australian time).
Head to Homelife to find out what is up for bid already and what is coming up. It's all to help HeartKids.
- Indoor/outdoor rugs by New York textile and product designer Liora Manné. The process is called lamontage, combining handmade artistry with high tech processing. Using acrylic fibres it's like felt and is treated with an antimicrobial finish. An amazing range of patterns and colours. My mind is racing with ideas for these.
Reader Comments (4)
Hi there,
Am looking for inspiration in order to re-decorate my 11 year old bedroom and am stuck for ideas. We are looking for a pre-teen look, neither too girly nor childish. I would welcome any suggestions! Hope you can help.
Have a lovely week end
What a lovely site! I have just picked up 2 of these chairs, kiddie size, and a little double desk that need some love, looking forward to seeing more.
I need to win the TRISS! I want all those chairs so I can start a pre-school for the design savvy next generation.
Unfortunately, I believe all of the "nest" chairs are knock-offs. Knoll and Herman Miller have sole rights to produce the Bertoia and Eames. Knoll has produced a few children's pieces based off of their regular line. I don't believe Herman Miller has done so yet.