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Ann-Marie and Oliver emailed us recently wanting to share their renovated London home with us. It's a Victorian cottage that they completely gutted and extended (and fortunately they included some before photos). The decor is stunning - all light woods, creamy and white walls, gorgeous white kitchen with butcherblock countertops....there's SO MUCH to love in this home. Such simple and natural spaces that easily please the eye. Fantastic work Ann-Marie and Oliver - you guys should be really proud of your hard work!





Reader Comments (28)

How sad it looked "BEFORE". How lovely it is NOW, and inviting.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSparky

love the transformation, the kitchen and bathroom are my faves!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHelena

amazing :) love it :) great colour scheme :)

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSaRah

The afters are so fantastic and beautiful, although the before was a bit sad I totally knew the transformation would be great because immediately its obvious that place had some great bones to it! Again just beautiful!!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie Jones

This transformation is amazing. If I were the owner I'd pop for a professional photographer to document such a wonderful outcome!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinnea

I love the transformation! And those framed prints are both GORGEOUS! source?

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

Wow. Beautiful. This home makes me crave neutrals. Kim I know you've been craving neutrals, does this make the craving worse?

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpeggy

Gorgeous! I love what they've done. Now I want a cottage in London. ;)
Great job Ann-Marie and Oliver!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRoeshel


14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke

I can see that what I see isn't... obvious, but what I like the most is that the scruffiness of the before was kept for afters. It still has a certain feel to it, a punkishness.

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Precioso! Me encantan los tonos elegidos!

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMontse

I am wondering why kind of wood was used for the kitchen counter top? Is there any way that I could find out? I am currently doing building of my own and am looking for counter top options.

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoshua

A beautiful "before" to work with...The "afters" are lovely...
~ Andrea

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCrowNology

I love the 'everyday I love you' and 'work hard and be nice to people' posters. Any idea if they are available for purchase anywhere? Beautiful house also.

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLou

WoW! I continue to be amazed at the afters.

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

The Work Hard & Be Nice To People poster is by Anthony Burrill and sold by Soma Gallery in Bristol. I'm getting one myself for my hallway :-)

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLG

As someone else said, this place has great bones. And the owners have really brought out all its potential their renovation. I must say the fireplace in the bathroom mystifies me, not in a bad way though, it's just unusual to see.

16 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commentermsd

Great transformation

16 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine

where is your kitchen from...its great!

16 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSally Christina

There is a fireplace in the bathroom because it probably used to be a bedroom. Most houses from this era in London weren't designed with indoor bathrooms, they had outhouses out back.

16 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Brookes

So I just realized that that "after the jump" feature you put in is affecting my Google reader feed, even though there's no "click to read more" link in them. Please please make it so that the entire post shows up on the feed! If I have to click on each post you make to see the whole thing I won't, and it'll keep me from reading your blog . . .

17 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commentertasha

hi,we´re interested in doing an interiors photographic shooting in this amazing can we get in contact with the owners?thanks a lot!

20 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbego

Enric, you can send us an email through our contact form in the blog header and I can provide you with more info.

20 Apr 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Thank you for all of the lovely comments that you have given regarding our home. It was hard work renovating for a year, but has been worth it as we now have a very beautiful and cosy cottage.

To answer a few of your questions:
The 'work hard and be nice to people' is indeed by the artist Anthony Burrill
The 'Everday I love you' was a wedding present from
The kitchen was from MFI which sadly has gone out of business but it was a basic white gloss one which you can get from a few places.
The worktops were bespoke and were sourced from
It is indeed strange and luxurious to have a fireplace in our bathroom, and I'm sure it was indeed a bedroom at some point. We're incredibly lucky to have original Victorian fireplaces in every room in the house!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

20 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnn-Marie

Fabulous colors... those neutrals are so smoky and warm.

24 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJesse Lu

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