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WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?

  • Australian stylist Megan Morton has just released a new book Home Love. It's stunning! Gorgeous gorgeous rooms and fabulous advice. This woman will be your new best interior design friend. She shares her secrets, her experience, her fabulous style. Eye candy and pearls of wisdom all very readable and accessible. It's a beautiful, heavy, high quality, pour a drink, pull up a comfy chair and lose yourself for an afternoon book and I love it. These pictures don't do it justice! Get a copy. And check out the blog. You'll be hooked.

  • Loving the new range by HPM -  colourful and stylish cover plates for electrical outlets. Linea lets you go bold, sleek and metallic, earthy and neutral but never ever boring old white. The profile in thin, the finish matt and smoothly sexy. Lightswitches sexy? Oh yes. I have rubbed my hands across these beauties. With click removable face plates they are new on the Australian market. (Available at Bunnings. See the website for more details.) I loath the chunky white generic GPOs we have here in Oz so I'm dying to use these in my next house!



  • Dear Kim can you please jump over to Montreal and visit Style Labo for me? I'll send a shopping list. The above pictures will give you an idea of what I really really need. Do you think they will all fit in a post bag? I am so jealous of Montrealers who can just cruise in themselves!

  • New mirror collection - Addiction. Some of the best French designers interpreted the material - Jean Marie Massaud, Arik Levy, Patrick Norguet, JC de Castelbajac, Christian Ghion ... Cool, hip and definitely statement pieces. Mirror as art.



  • I received my very first parcel from Uzbekistan the other day. I was so excited. I had won a suzani on eBay and 2 weeks later it arrived. It's gorgeous! Pricing was reasonable (only one other person bid against me and a bidding war did not break out). I thought I'd plug the seller because if hand embroidered textiles ring your bells then with a little luck and some patience you too could have a wonderful traditional fabric in your life too for a lot less than designer shops. Large or small and very traditional they may not always be in the "trendy" colour ways but they are genuine and truly beautiful. Ikats too :)

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