Stuart McIntyre
Jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, mind-blowing...anyone with even the slightest appreciation for interior photography will likely use these adjectives when they see the photos below of Danish photographer Stuart McIntyre. His photography has me so mesmerized I may have to do an encore tomorrow. :)
Reader Comments (24)
I was on board from the first photo but that outdoor bbq area seriously reeled me in. Die. So inspiring.
i'm swooning from all the loveliness!
In major need of some of those HUGE abstract art pieces! They are gorgeous!
very cool!
Yes! A follow up Please!
Gorgeous pictures!!!
By the way : your blog is so beautiful!!
Gorgeous spaces,. I Love that little piece of framed artwork on the kitchen counter in the 3rd picture. I wonder if it is a textile? Beautiful!
Wonderful photography. Every shot had its own feel -- no forcing of light or excessive angles. And my vote for coolest kitchen EVER goes to the one with the mounted car. Not because of the car, even! I love the seating, the open door with the abundance of windows above, the SMEG, the over-sized bread box... and then, the car.
These spaces are crazy stunning.
what a warm confident space. hats off to you!
I truly envy these talented photographers... they get to photograph the coolest interiors!! As usual your eye for photographic genious is spot on Kim!
bravo!! encore encore! i want that pathe poster. yummy!
These are seriously stylish interiors! So many great ideas to steal, so great inspiration!
drooling over the bbq area and art work !
encore please :-)
McIntyre has a true gift. The colors in these photos are very vibrant.
really amazing!!
I really want the copper bowl in the first picture!?
Stunning shots! I love the depth he creates in each shot. The last one is my favourite!
SO loving that throw in the last one... wonder where it's from
I love that house!
Thank for sharing beautiful images!
Love your blog!
How do people manage to take such clear and stunning photographs?
What a great collection and I wish that I had rooms like those all in one house, that would be my dream home...
(Old post, but this is unreal!)