Hot and sunny weather HERE I COME!
Tomorrow at about 3:45 am (gawd help me) I will be heading to the airport to get my arse to Puerto Vallarta. I cannot wait. We've had a pretty decent winter here so far (by Ottawa standards) but I am anxious to get the hell out of Dodge for 10 days. So I'll be essentially offline for that time (I might sneak on my dad's laptop every now and then so I don't suffer withdrawal) but I've got posts ready to publish each day I am away so you shouldn't really miss me (and Jo will be holding down the fort as always). Hopefully I will come back well rested with a fabulous tan and ready for more blogging!
Because I cannot publish a post without photos, here are a couple photos my dad took the other day of the resort where they rented an apartment (where I'll be staying) and the beach view from the resort. *SIGH*
Reader Comments (12)
Sigh...can I come too??! I'm so longing for warm weather again (as I'm typing this, btw, snow is coming down like crazy!). Have a great time!
I am jealous! Have so much fun and get a tan for me! I totally know what you mean about not being able to publish a post without a photo, it just looks so bare without one!
Awesome! The photos look great! Have fun!
I live in Singapore where it is 30 degrees celsius almost all year round! I want to escape the heat!
Happy vacation Kim! Hope you have a fantabulous time!
Thanks everyone!! (Andrea - I'd trade you in a second)
have a super fabulous time!!
I'm envious, Kim! We are having yet another snow storm. Yuk. I hate winter more and more every year. Have a great time! Take lots of pictures. :)
Drool !! I too am taking a couple of days off and visting my maternal relatives over the weekend !
That pool...its an absolute oasis! Have lots of fun, I'm sure you'll be back reinvigorated:)
I wish you happy moments to remember after!!!!
Sunny Mexico sounds perfect right now. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
have so much fun and take lots of pictures! it sounds like we'll all be living vicariously through your travels. enjoy!