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« Monday's pets on furniture - part 2 | Main | Amanda McLauchlan »

Monday's pets on furniture - part 1

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!)

"This afternoon I photographed a wonderful home, and the Peaches the family bulldog stole the show!! This whole house is cozy, warm and well really felt like the set of a Nancy Meyers film. Their 7 month old baby bulldog followed me from room to room stepping in to frame, as if she was art directing the shoot for me."
- Bethany

"Nestled on his preferred sofa, Murray enjoys a holiday slumber with his red cashmere blanket."
- Jennifer (New Jersey)

"This is our English Springer Spaniel, Razi.  She will be 15 in February!  Isn't she adorable on our red chair?"
- Carly + Elizabeth (Michigan)

"One of my beautiful eight cats, Vassourinha, her name means broom in Portuguese ( when she was little she loved to play with the broom). Here she is resting at my green pouf."
- Vilma (Oporto, Portugal)

"This is Hurley, our Olde English Bulldogge.  The only furniture he is "allowed" on in our house is our master bed, but I always find him curled up somewhere he shouldn't be!"
- Erin (Boston, MA)

"Here are two pictures of my Siberian Husky, Tsuga, on my new daybed (she's still learning to read and thought the box said "dogbed"). Also a snap of her wrangling her toys from underneath."
- Coral

"I would like to submit these two photos of my Boston Terrier Twinkie on my brand new Pottery Barn chair. She knows it is off limits to her but when the sun is shining in she can’t resist and then she knows I am too much of a softee to make her get down!  How can you say no to that face?"
- Julie (Corning, NY)

"It is Kuzja. He likes to observe of all. Here and now, when I worked at the computer, it has climbed on a shelf and watched my work."
- Oksana (Syktyvkar, Russia)

"This is flash! My three year-old, Caymus, named him after his love for super heroes! Caymus calls him his brother. Flash loves to play and lay around on his favorite sheep skin rug!
Furniture: rug, since he is a puppy he isn't allowed on any of our other furniture! Don't let his looks deceive you- this one is wild...
- Jacy (Houston, Texas)

Reader Comments (12)

Aw, who can keep the little loves off the furniture? I can't.

1. Bethany, more pictures of that house, pls!?
2. TWINKIE! I love that name!
3. Love Tsuga under the dog bed, oops I mean day bed.

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

Please publish an editorial on Christmas decorations.
I'm from Brazil and everything like this site post on twitter. Love your work!

Congratulations and hugs!

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCelina Ferreira

They are all soooo cute!
Razi is almost 15?! Well done to both her and her owners! :)

Yay! I love them all!
Shout out to Razi: You look mah-velous...fifteen and don't look a day over five! You go girl!
Oh, I think beautiful Tsuga deserves more credit. She's well aware it's a daybed. She was using her logic. Who else in the household needs a bed to lounge in all day?
Flash doesn't fool me. I too have a couple of angelic looking terrier terrors.

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD of dogland

Haha the first one is amazing! best I've seen in a while!

Awww, some of those pets are really cute!

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJane

Wow, you got some awesome ones this week. Thank you all for sharing your Pets On Furniture photos.

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Priscilla- I actually shot this house & adorable bulldog for a House Tour for Apartment Therapy. It will online on Friday :)

Thank you!

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBethany

Your pets are adorable & I Like the design!

6 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa

Flash made me laugh. We also have a Jack Russell too and my son (2.5) thinks she is his sister too!

7 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKimma

Ha! Kuzja is very cute!

7 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlice Olive

Sleeping Vassourinha is very beautiful. She looks exhausted.

7 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlice Olive

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