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Johanna Ekmark


A delight to the eyes. Yes like a drink of cool water. To capture the beauty of the everyday, of a family homes, of a precious object. I'm still caught up in the wonderful world of the talented photographers whose work graces the pages of our favourite shelter magazines. Johanna Ekmark has shot for the likes of Marie Claire Maison Italy and Elle Interior, Sköna Hem  and Lantliv. I love those first two photos. The light is fabulous and that kitchen is just perfect. Enjoy!





Reader Comments (4)

Beautiful! Look at those hooks under the shelf for holding helmets! I'm doing that today. I love an kitchen with a table right in the middle, I don't understand why this has fallen out of fashion here in the US.

23 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

AH GREAT, this post - photo #2 in particular - has reawakened my burning desire to own a beni ouarain rug.
(These photos are gorg - LOVE the cat one of course. And EEWWW to the kitchen crammed under the stairs!)

23 Dec 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

LOVE that wooden/rustic recycles looking bookshelf!

23 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJustina

The elephant on the top shelf is the best!

<3 Sarah

23 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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