It's all in black and white and in between
Clever, clever, clever. Australian architects just have the knack when it comes to blurring that line between inside and out. Sydney architectural practice Chenchow Little have designed ingenious spatial plays on interiors and exteriors. These contemporary houses employ savvy passive heating and cooling principles that are also standout design features. Award winning Australian architecture at its best.
Reader Comments (9)
wow ... great house - love the clean style
Fresh and sophisticated...
Gorgeous! completely drenched in light!!
i want to sleep in the bed with all the doors open! not during summer of course.
Love a home with great natual light pouring in. These are great.
Fantastic! I should be looking more into Australian architect firms. Thanks for the tip :)
The architecture is really amazing, but I'm also going a little bit crazy over that marble island ....:O
Love, love, love.
I adore this house (and its location)!