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I'm moving ... reading guide part 1

... 150 years young

Hi everyone! It's almost time. I move into my new old house in a matter of weeks and I AM SO EXCITED! I'm also swamped with packing. A lot of you will know that I am the thrift store and eBay queen and can never say no to the perfect bargain. I have a 2 bedroom apartment, a garage and a storage shed groaning with goodies for my new house. Just one problem ... I have to pack it all up for the move. So WINKS are on the back burner and instead I'll be posting reading guides with all the new to me blogs where I have been lurking over the past few months. Don't worry if you are not here, yet. Until I'm settled in it's reading guides all the way. Enjoy!!












P.S. Does anyone know a good painter in Ipswich? One that won't get freaked out by black walls? Contact me :)

Reader Comments (29)

ooh it's all happening now lady! Good luck in good old Ipswich and best wishes with the move!

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Hasenauer

Finally! I've been waiting patiently for the 70 days you've put down and at last it's happening. Good luck with the move! Can't wait to see what your new old house will turn out like. It will be fantabulous! :)

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda

Hi Jo....your house looks fabulous. Louisa from Vintage by LouLou is from Ipswich I think so she might be able to help with a recommendation...
All the best with the move.

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKerry

I love lists. And I'm in outlook for new blogs too so this came in handy. Will have a look through them tonight :)

What a cute house! Good luck with the move.
Thanks for the reading guide - it is always great to discover new blogs from other countries.
Gretings from Paris!

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEuropean Chic

Yay! You have listed some of my favorite peeps! (A Little Luxe, Design Chic & Stephanie Maley!!!) I love your reading guides....and congrats on the old new house. There is nothing better! Have a great weekend.

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilk and Honey Home

Oh I love old house! Good luck to you! How exciting! Thanks so much for including my blog on your reading guide.... made my day! Can't wait to check out all the other blogs!


23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered Commentera little luxe

Oh wow! These are all great blogs! I'm having so much fun reading through them all. There goes my weekend...

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWhite Cabana

i love "new old" houses....look forward to seeing the black walls. congrats on the move, may it be a smooth transition!

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstyle odyssey

Congrats and good luck with the move!

I'm excited to check out the links, but can I just say how much I hate the "Interiors-Porn" name? I hated it when Decorno used that same meme, too. Because decor---falling into the domestic sphere and thus traditionally under the purview of women---is the same as porn, which falls into the "degradation-of-women"-sphere and thus traditionally under the purview of men. Yuck. Furniture aesthetics =/= women's bodies.

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim in Jersey

such an exciting time for you - can't wait to see your new place!

I adore The Nero Chronicles - Alcira has the best eye!

Good luck with the move- your new old house is totally charming! And thanks for the list- new blog reading (along with some wine, chocolate and a hot bath to be exact) is my idea of heaven!

Oh I almost fell out of my chair when a friend asked me if I had seen your post. I'm so happy you like my ❤ interiors porn:D
Thank you*

23 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSofia

Hey Jo....just had to comment that I'm so excited for you xxx Katherine

omg it's beautiful and i am so completely green with envy!! =) congrats!!

24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered Commentercassie

Your "New Old House" looks really great from the outside :) ....Wow black walls? That sounds interesting. Can't wait to see photos of the inside. Perhaps some nice modern art will make it look great once you get it painted.

24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDora


24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCATH

I adore your new home! It feels very itching for some amazing new design twists.
The front porch is just screaming for some comfy chairs and a glass of champagne :)
Congrats, again!!

Jo, I really appreciate you liking my aesthetic in Just for the SHAPE of it! Thank you! (late sunday night I checked my statistics..! :)

Needless to say I have followed DTI for a while... and I always enjoy the read!

Congratulations on your new house (beautiful new house that is), and thank you again for giving me a great start to the new week.

Love, Lena
Konfettiform | JustfortheSHAPEofit

24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLena

Hey, what a house! I just love it - old houses are my favorite in general. The style of this one particularly reminds me of my childhood for some reason. Anyway, good luck with the move and do not forget to post pictures when everything is settled.

24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElli Davis

Congratulations on the house (and good luck on the move!) and YES on the LeSeuer Interiors blog link. Meg is absolutely the coolest blogger out there with an amazing sense of style. I've adored her blog from day one and am so happy that you agree!!

24 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDevon

Thank you so much for putting my blog on your list! I couldn´t understand why I suddenly had so many visitors this Saturday, and know I can see why :)
It´s truly appreciated. <3

Congrats with the new house! How exciting for you ;)

Love, Nina

25 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSTYLIZIMO

Thanks everyone! I have started packing but I don't seem to have made much of a dint in it. I think I own too much ... sad isn't it :)

25 Oct 2010 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

Thanks for the list!

25 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRitu Saini

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