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Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen


Word on the weekend that photographer Richard Power has a new book in release sent me scooting to his website to see what else was new. That is where I found this wonderful Copenhagen home shot by Richard. Great house, fab photos. Not your typical scandi all white at all! Eastern influences, a little faded boudoir feel, statement artwork, old mixed with new and ... taxidermy (?!)








Reader Comments (15)

Fabulous! All of it.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

I love the entrance. It's a breath of fresh air

Absolutely stunning home! Thanks for this great inspiration kick start today!

great pictures! I love that house

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMiss D

the layering of art and mirrors is unique

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Beautiful home. I love all the chandeliers!
XO Piper

Oh, how I love the movie Hans Christian Andersen! Nice pics too. You made my morning :)

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDesiré

The Danish homes are gorgeous!

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLumo

Wow, the contrasts between some of these rooms is pretty amazing. I particularly love the bathrooms. 'Faded boudoir' is a good description. Beautiful.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlice Olive

This house was in LivingEtc. a few years ago (?) - and it is indeed amazing. Loved the kitchen the first time that I saw it, and I still do. Beautiful.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTara

The artwork with the huge blood stain looking splat in the living room reminds me of this really nice home I visited; they had a posterized version of a person being stabbed next to the breakfast table. Okay, maybe it was cutting edge stuff (parden the pun), but at breakfast? Not that a huge chartreuse Ghandi is difficult to look at, but all through dinner? Isn't he looking a bit gaunt there?

The mirrors however are wonderful.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRandomIntent

I love all of the statement artwork, fantastic wallpaper, chandeliers (everywhere) and giant ornate mirros (in practically every room!!)- That is my kind of house!!!

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchristine

I saw someone else also mentioned the Gandhi art. At first I thought, "Great, art is so hit-or-miss for me when I look at decor, but Gandhi is a great subject to see on a daily basis." Then I realized it's in the dining room! Doesn't that seem offensive? He went on a hunger strike as part of his non-violent resistance. Not to mention that people might be having all kinds of lovely meat dishes there at the table, when Gandhi was famously vegetarian as part of his ethics and rights-based outlook. But I think that's an inappropriate place to put Gandhi art when considering the hunger strike, especially.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim in Jersey

Re: Gandhi art - Oh - it's so easy to make snap judgements without any prior knowledge, one of the owners of this house [Line] is from India. An alternative interpretation could be that his presence reminds us of the importance of food as sustenance and not to be taken for granted. Or maybe it just works in the space, crikey.

21 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNeal

Or maybe it "just works in the space, crikey?" That's a cute word! We don't have it over here in the states. :)

Art can affect the mood in a room and give it character and depth. Otherwise, maybe we should just call it something else, like something to match the decoration? Or, leftovers from the poster bin I got on sale for $2.99?

Art can convey the calm of a vast landscape, or the excitement of a party full of bright colors. You don't hang art just because it fits the space, or the opposite, ignore the space (as frankly, the way the Gandhi is placed on the wall cheapens the look of the nice woodwork IMHO.) And though hunger is no doubt a tragedy, why focus on that over dinner rather than feeling joyous and blessed?

I'm really not trying to be picky by replying to you this way but as an artist I think it is important people see art as potentially beyond just a decoration or something that fits a particular space. Just because a picture was expensive doesn't automatically make it good art. Just because something is unsettling and true doesn't mean it belongs in the dining room! ;)

21 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRandomIntent

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