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Someone else bought the house I wanted.

WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?


  • Ali Sandifer Studio - beautiful hand crafted furniture. "The collection largely integrates storage into its form, striving to make furniture that is both intelligent and attractive. We take pride in hand-producing our work in house. This intimacy and knowledge of craft is essential to the way we design." Environmentally sensitive pieces made to last. I just want to run my hands over those curves!


  •  maison et toi - an online gallery of the most gorgeous (and needless to say expensive) 20th century design. I'd most likely sell my soul for quite a few of Raji Radhakrishnan's "objects of desire".  A girl can dream! More here as well.



  • Another stunning rug range from Designer Rugs. Minnie Pwerle was, until her death in 2006, one of Australia's most important indigenous artists. Minnie was born in 1910 but didn't start painting until 1999. Her works are based on the body paintings on the women in her Atnwengerrp country. Stunning modern rugs steeped in an ancient culture. I want to move into that first room.


  • The new rustic. Brooklyn based Nightwood reconstructs and reincarnates furniture and textiles with a down to earth vibe. Myriah Scruggs and Nadia Yaron repurpose, re-use and re-love.

References (2)

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  • Response
    Response: andrew12
    excelent info, keep it coming
  • Response
    Response: robert
    excelent post, keep it coming

Reader Comments (13)

I'm very sorry about the house. But the next one will be everything you want with sprinkles on top. And you will save so much, you can put some of these lovely bits of furniture inside. I'm so glad midcentury is back in fashion.

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Awwwwwww, Jo, I'm so sorry. :( I cannot believe how goddamn hard it is to buy a house there. There is a bright side - it gives me more time to save some $ so I can come FINALLY visit you and your (eventual) new house. :)

As for this post everything featured is FAB, but that black and white aboriginal art rug is TO DIE FOR!!!

9 Jan 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Oh no! That sucks! I'm so sorry...

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

Gosh, how I love this blog! Always innovative, creative and inspiring....
I'm all about platform beds- it's on my list of things to buy next time we move. The multi-wood one here is unique.

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstyle odyssey

I am in love with the amazing lines of the Ali Sandifer desk. Sooo sleek and full of clever storage.

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDecofabulous

Oh no, another one bites the dust! Bad luck with the house, how long have you been searching for now? It took us 9 months but we finally got there.

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaddy

The good news is that we are on the hunt for another house and have 2 good prospects. Paddy it's probably closer to 12 months but our circumstances have improved substantially over that time so we are actually looking for better properties than we were in the beginning. But as you know the Brisbane market is very under supplied at the moment. One agent called me fussy and I guess I am. It's my money after all :) I don't want anything "renovated" by someone else. Just means bad fixtures and finishes, bad taste and then I have to rip it out. In the meantime they bump up the price because they stuck in a cheap kitchen and bathroom. And of course anything I do like is WAAAAAAYYYY out of our price range.

9 Jan 2010 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

Which is such a shame, because then all you can do is show us how magnificent 'out of your range' is on the blog. We weep. (drool)

9 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Hi There,
Thought I would share with you photos of my wedding three years ago (today). We eloped!

10 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara Bradshaw

I can fully understand your position Jo. Don't listen to those Real Estate agents, all they want is their next commission. You'll get something soon and i can't wait to start seeing your before and after shots once you do :-)

10 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaddy

Love the rug designs, very artistic and stunning!

10 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKarena

'The new rustic' looks just like the 'Sloophout' collection of Dutch designer Piet Heijn Eek if you ask me.

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDenise

I have a Nightwood desk and a couple Nightwood pillows that I love. Myriah and Nadia are so super talented.

18 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjen jafarzadeh

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