Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PUHLEASE don't just send me closeups of your pet!!!)
"Love your pets on furniture entries. Here's my two... (considering a tub is a piece of furniture ; ) This is our adore bulldog, Tottenham. He's obviously King of the Castle."
- Shannon
"Please find attached two images of my new puppy, Ruby, on an 'upcycled' chair made by a friend and her new business called S.H.E which revamps old, unwanted pieces of furniture in Sydney. Ruby is an Australian desert rescue dog whom we've had for only a week and who isn't actually allowed on the furniture (which is why she's looking at me quite quizzically!) but she colour coordinates quite well, don't you think? Ruby was found as a newborn in a rubbish bin (hence her name) and was rescued by a Chilean woman who runs a dog rescue programme in an Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory ( Image two also shows my grandfather's Saratoga trunk and a bowl by well-known New Zealand potter Royce McGlashen."
- Jane
"Here are two pics of our dog, Maizey, and her couch. She's recently given up her Poang chair & upgraded to the couch where, if she's not sleeping, she's standing on the arm looking out the window."
- Ashleigh
"So, this is my Brussels Griffon, Mac. He's on the ottoman that matches the sofa you can see in the background. We live in Sandringham, Auckland. The sofa is made by a local manufacturer, Forma, if that is is any interest!"
- Melinda
"Charlie the cavachon is the queen atop her plush throne...also known as a couch. She often slips through the cushions or goes head first looking for a lost bone. She also likes to survey the room from the top of the recliner."
- Christi
"This is Aurora (a Shiba Inu) enjoying her cow and her perch on one of our awesome thrift store finds."
- Cassandra
"I'm sending these photos in honor of my cat, Cooper, who passed away on December 22. Here he is testing out my new (at the time) Eames chair. He couldn't get comfortable, so he soon gave up and returned to his favorite spots on the couch."
- Erica
"I saw this post on Martha, sorry about her yellow eyes in the sofa photo...they are actually hazel ;)"
- Jaime
"Here is a picture of our adorable chihuahua Henri sleeping on the bed. Hope to see him next Monday on your blog, he's a big fan (plus I'm really proud of the bed itself that I have found in the middle of nowhere in a farm!)."
- Maryse
"Doggies and white do not match nor do they coincide but I guess in this situation it does!"
- May
"This is my love of life, Louis. He loves seating on the nicest chair of the house."
- Mimi
"We have finally lifted out 'no pets on furniture' rule. We had to sacrifice one chair to our Rhodesian Ridgeback Hank. You can walk right by him in this chair and never notice he is there. He just blends in. And our Border Collie Emma claims the loveseat."
- Misty
"Not only is that my bed, but it's MY pillow! I especially like Marvin's expression - 'um, excuse me...I'm trying to sleep!' I have noticed that most of my pictures of Marvin are of him on the furniture. Dogs these days :)"
- Nicole
Christian (who's cat I featured in last week's pet post) sent us an email explaining how the LA Times ran this story a few days ago about how desperate the shelters in LA are for donations to pay for food, as they used to rely on corporate donations which are pratically non-existent now with the recession. To raise awareness he's posted the photo below of his dog Mona on his blog and provided some info as to how dire the situation is. So please check out his post or the LA Times article to get details on how you can help all the poor animals (over 4,000) that are likely to be euthanized for no other reason than there is no money to feed and care for them. Thank you.
Reader Comments (3)
I love the Bully! I have one...Lulu
thank you so much for posting about the la tmes article (and my resulting post). already, one reader has emailed me this morning to let me know they donated, so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
again, THANK YOU!
m21, mona and richard
Marvin Marvin Marvin I love you! You are the beagle of my dreams. What a face. What a personality. What a ham!!! And finally a photo of Mona on a piece of furniture.