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Katie Ridder 

I am always in awe of a designer who can mix lots of patterns, textures and colours in one room and make it appear so effortless and cohesive. Katie Ridder is one of those designers. Jo featured some of her work back in '07, and I needed to showcase more of her work after drooling profusely over her portfolio again recently. I adore every single one of the spaces below. Gorgeous!


Reader Comments (15)

Hi!I just found your blog and i really like it.How i can follow you?


20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenternuheila

Nuheila, follow us by using the button on the top of the sidebar that says "subscribe to rss feed".

20 Jan 2010 | Registered CommenterDesire to Inspire

BEAUTIFUL taste she has :)

20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenter31everything

Loving the bed, plus the beddings!

20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlices of Beauty

Thanks for sharing those lovely interiors! Your blog is definitely an inspiration!

20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTuesday

Everything I adore. I love the last image of that beautiful dresser. I wonder where I can find that. Anyone know or have a similar one somewhere?

20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarivic

Really gorgeous images. That kitchen with the blue backsplash is PERFECT. Great post! xoxo

20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRLG

Yeah, she seems to have that knack doesn't she... curves lines, patterns solids... alltogether. don't know if I could manage it like she does...


20 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commentertheaxx

Very diverse selection of interior options you have featured here. Most of them are appealing. Notice how important the walls are... after all, what a home owner hangs there are often what catches the eyes first.

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIanny

Rich, deep and way not mysterious. I like a designer who doesn't even consider hiding *how* she puts her rooms together ... since its not as if anyone is going to be able to emulate her style! This is a woman who spends a lot of time in restaurants, and knows the value of a good banquette. I adore her callbacks to the best of the 1950's, in her choice of art, the accent pillows, the mid-century furniture placement & style -- and yet, her work is absolutely not dated or even retro. Which I don't get: how can it NOT be retro? Even a little-ish? Nope. The exotic touches melt right in, and this designer WORKS with what white she allows in. It's there for the pop! I swear, in Ms. Ridder's hands, white is actually a color.

Wonderful showcase choice, thanks Kim.

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Not so much 50's -- handslip. It's more of a ghost of a funky 60's vibe, I think.

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

i love that she's not afraid to use patterns and color. it creates such interesting rooms. i'm especially dying over the red bench with the rattan chairs - would love that for my kitchen!

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenterone sydney road

Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!!!! So that blue tiled bathroom??? I have been obsessed FOREVER, but I have never seen that angle of it. You are KILLING me. I just got a sort of version of that tile made in yellow for the guest bath at my house. You just did the best thing ever. Gah you do me right.

Wow - a lot of these images have been in my lust files for a long time and I had no idea they were all by the same person! Love the mix of patterns and colors - she makes it look completely styled but not too put together or fussy.

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMadame Sunday

HEAVENLY- I adore Katie's work - great post!

21 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGramercy Home

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