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Monday's pets on furniture

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to

"As I was reading your blog on Monday, I realized that I have never grabbed a shot of my Coton de Tulear, Libby, who loves to lounge on anything mid-century modern (really she loves to lounge on anything) for your blog feature.  I grabbed my camera from the bag and snapped off a shot of her relaxing in her favorite Vladimir Kagan chair. She always prefers the one on the left - go figure."
- Lora

"Smokey on my green Moroccan pouf."
- Jessica

"Digby, positioned on his look out point- an old chair that my Grandparents kept from their 50's bungalow-aided by an antique peacock pillow. I don't know how he can sit there for so long- it always looks SO uncomfortable."
- Maeve

"This is Piper, our tiny Golden Retriever, on “her” - our Ikea Poang.  Piper adopted the Poang shortly after we adopted her.  She isn’t normally allowed on our furniture – she has a congenital condition called megaesophagus which means basically that she can’t swallow her food properly without a lot of help, making her a very messy puppy to have on a couch...  But she staked out the chair so early on that we have happily surrendered it to her."
- Alexis

"I really wanted to send you a photo of my beautiful dog who took half of my sofa simply to look graceful on it!"
- Agata

"There are two photo about my lovely maine coon cats: Kyra the smaller,and Dió the bigger....they very like sleeping in my hungarian retro-room...:) This is just half-ready now,but they very like it...:)"
- Zytuscicus from Hungary

"One of your loyal readers, Murray, the Bassett Hound-Beagle mix, would consider it a great honor to be included in a Pets on Furniture blog entry. Defying his English roots, he's partial to Gustavian design and its stark color palette, and he absolutely loves this chair salvaged from a church basement sale for $5, and then upholstered in an austere grey."
- Jennifer

"This is Cisco. He is a feline at heart."
- Hilary

"This is fun. I couldn't resist. Here is Gracie on what she believes is her couch.  It is, isn't it?"
- Naomi

"Cooper helps out in the home office."
- Lori

"Here are photos of my two-year old Italian Greyhound, Nick. These are the "off-limits" white chairs. The rest is self-explanatory."
- Carson

"Miss Bitsy Bojangles caught on the good chair!"
- Delia

"1-Raleigh relaxing in our bedroom with a mid-century chair in the background.
2-Here is a fitting photo of him on a MCM Danish chair imported by Selig. He and our daughter are constantly fighting for position in the chair. They never let the seat get cold!
- The Pages

"I'm attaching a photo of my crooked-thumbed cat, Smudge, under the table at my old apartment - I had just kicked her off the top where she doesn't belong so she was trying to be cute to make up for her bad behavior. The second photo is in case the first one doesn't qualify since it's such a close shot {I prefer the first one}.  This was her "window seat" she reluctantly shared with my vintage lucite pineapple lamp, but I had just moved in so there were no draperies yet."
- Jeanine

"Here's our ham Jack, relaxing on my $10 garage sale find that I recovered in some Jack coordinating faux cowhide."
- Lindsay

"This is Chloe(left) and Liam, doing what setters do best: claiming the furniture as their own."
- Kathleen

"i have been following dti for almost 2 years now and just wanted to share a photo of my pekingese Donut who passed away a couple of years ago. he was the love of my life...."
- Rosemarie

Reader Comments (9)

I love Monday's pets on furniture! Donut is a doll..what a face:)

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

I love this feature so much and your beautiful pictures are always so inspiring. Your website is at the top of my list! One of these days I will make it on time to contribute to the pets on furniture, it always makes me smile! Thank you so much for your inspiring website!

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina Diaz

Awwwwwwwwwwww! They get cuter and cuter. I love that pouf -- scoot over, Smokey!
xo Isa

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenterisa

Does the owner of "Murray" have a blog? I love the chair he's sitting in and I'd love another peek at the white Christmas tree in the back of the photo! :)

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie

I just love your Pets on th Furniture posts. Thank you for sharing the shot of Miss Bitsy Bojangles. She's very proud to be included with such adorable company!

11 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDelia

If that is half-ready, I would be very, very interested in seeing full-ready. Zytuscicus, is there any chance you could step back a pace or two and let us see what you are doing? Retro-Hungarian? Really? Photos, please!

12 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

This is one of my very favorite features on an blog. And, today, I find something comforting about this specific sentence: "Smokey on my green Moroccan pouf." Just sounds good, you know?

Ok, this is so much fun. Who doesn't love their pets? I will have to track down the photos of my cats curled up on the Christmas quilt on our sofa. Meanwhile, I would never choose a favorite here - they are all great!

12 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine

I always look forward to this post! It combines my two favorite things: pets and decor!

12 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjuliet

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