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... would love to curl up and just chill

WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?

  • Wallpaper for boys, ones with a wicked sense of humor and a dislike for all things "nice". Victoria has two six year old boys and had a design dilemma. How do you take boys from nursery to funky teen? The boys market is woefully neglected so she has designed her own wallpaper (and soon fabric) range, Paperboy. "I will be launching the three first designs at 100%Design London next week. In the meantime the first of the wallpaper designs featuring dinosaurs and called ‘Dya-think-e-saurus’ is for sale at Not on the High Street." You can see Victoria's other designs here for now. Love these. What fun and not a girl germ in sight!

  • John Murphy (he of the gorgeous photos frames in the equally gorgeous frames) has a new animal collage range, each limited edition print is available in 8x10 and 16x20. Signed and numbered. Hippo for me please.

  • Contemporary Brazilian furniture. A celebration of beauty, an understanding of comfort, it pleases the eye and dares you to touch, to caress. Need your fix? Silvia Nayla, London home to iconic Brazilian design. Thank God for an online taste.

  • New prints from Jaime Derringer (Design Milk). Love the direction Jaime's work has been taking and must get my hands on some of these. Check out her etsy shop here and you can see more of her artwork here.

  • Can't get enough of found objects and re-purposed art. Love these constructions by Dolan Geiman. From scavenger hunt to perfect piece. One or perhaps several. Hmmmmm.

Reader Comments (6)

love the wallpapers!

19 Sep 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKLEE

love the geimans. those are lovely, mixed media is always fun!

19 Sep 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJaeve + Things

I bought one of Jaime's prints right after I found her email in my inbox - and coincidentally it's the one on the right. SO PRETTY!

19 Sep 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

I love Jaime's work! Especially the one on the right. The boys' wallpaper is gorgeous. I had never thought about the fact that most wallpaper is so girly. x

19 Sep 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPolly R

Godmorning, Sweden here....

I must tell you again, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

Regards from Agneta

20 Sep 2009 | Unregistered Commentersinnlighet

Jaime's work seems inspired by Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes. Pretty.

21 Sep 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaya

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