Basked in white
Here's another location property I came across, this time it's all about white with a french feel. So pretty. But transport that house here to Canada and come winter, I'd be FREAKING OUT with white surrounding me on the inside AND the outside. I tend to crave warm colours in the winter to keep me warm I suppose. I do love the blue/green pieces in the kitchen.
via Oak Management
Reader Comments (13)
transport it to me thn, we dont have winter in sg ):
Individual elements of it are very beautiful (particular praise for the bathroom and loving room) but all in all that's too white for me. What a relief for me to see that i'll want to stop painting at some stage.
Oooh, gorgeous. I'll take it! Since I'm in Victoria, BC I don't get much snow, but I would love a bright house to cheer me up when it's gray and raining for six months straight.
This is such a pretty serene home. I love it.
That couch with the giant arms is insane! I love it...looks exactly like the kind of thing you just want to sink down into.
I know what you mean about the cold thing, although it's beautiful it does look rather cold!
That's alot of white! Looks very feminine to me and I do like that.
I love this! Thanks for sharing, very inspiring!
love the all white, but I too would be driven crazy during snow (and trying to keep it white!)
I love the stained glass too, especially the front door.
Mmm.. just send me the address, I am packed and ready to move on in!!LOL
It's gorgeous
That slip covered sofa is so much fun!
Very beautiful interior, I love the furniture look luxury and clean.
Very inspiring