Monday's pets on furniture
"I send a photo of my sister's dog called Rufus, she will be looking forward to seeing your blog."
- Susanna (from Spain)
"I'm a graphic designer and illustrator from Switzerland. Here you can see my ridiculous attempt to protect my sofa from two fighting kittens. The sofa lost and had to go. But there's so much more important things I can use my money for, like cat food, the vet and cat food! And they can always rest on the bed, two special cat chairs, the balcony and the various cushions. Also we have friendly neighbours with lots of furniture and there must be several women who care for my tiger, he often smells of perfume when he comes home."
- Stefanie
"Felfel is my 11 years old lady cat who's not afraid of skin cancer! She spends hours on that old chair everyday just to get her vitamin D..."
- Julie (from Quebec City)
"Here's my cat on our sofa. Contemplative."
- Karyn
"Knowing how much you enjoy pets on furniture or just pets being pets, I've attached photos of our 2-year old Persian cat, Kitty Bang Bang, helping out with last year's Christmas decor."
- Lady
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"For your 'animals on furniture' series, this is Morgan on the couch about to give me stink eye. Morgans are not supposed to be on the couch, but looking at them, how could I make him get down?"
- Holyoke Home
"My name is Monica, and i'm a medical student from Northern Italy. These "pets on furniture" are so sweet, and i can't avoid to add to this beautiful pictures my little Camillo during his favourite guess!"
- Monica
"Well, after seeing the Frenchies on one of your posts, I had to send you a photo of my Pipi sitting on my bedroom chair!"
- Eileen
"its not really 'pet ON furniture'....more like 'pet IN furniture'...! This is Pudgie, an American Snow Shoe [I think?] my mother saved him from an abusive home when he was just a kitten. Now he's enjoying his golden years sleeping and well basically thinking he's human...he even sits on a chair at the dinner table when we eat...he's totally one of a kind!"
- Stacey
"I enjoy your weekly posts about pets on furniture. Here's another one to add to your collection. This was our Tibetan Mastiff, Tannin, who had full run of our house until she passed away last November. We miss her everyday."
- Sara C. (from California)
"May I add this to share on your "dog-blog"??? The other dogs are sooooo cute & precious, and of course, I think our Belle-girl is too!"
- Linda
"First of all, I love your blog! And especially love the section animals on furniture, so I send you 3 pics of my loved cats, Phill, Dodi and Luma. They love to stay on furniture, Phiil on the terrace chairs, Luma on the "rede" a typical brasilian furniture and Dodi loves when its Christmas time so he can jump and sleep in the decoration boxes."
- Marília Matoso (from Recife-PE, Brazil)
"I'm writing in to just say I love these cute posts of pet on furniture.. nice to know it's not just me who allows my pooch to lounge in style.. although as you can see from the pic of my Doberman Pinscher Skuzzy, it's not like I have any say in it! She loves that Queen Anne Sofa! Perhaps because it's so far the swishest item in my WIP house? teehee"
- Lisa
"I noticed recently Pets on Furniture and have a question...I too have pet's who would rather hang out on the furniture than anyplace else and was wondering if you or your readers have any tips on keeping the smells off the furniture...
Recently, I am temporarily living with a friend and he is complaining about the dog smell. I have discovered fizzion which seems to work wonderfully but would love to hear any other tips to keeping a house poet odor free...."
- Jennifer
Anyone have any advice? And with my 6 cat household I'd love to hear some ideas as I'm sure my house doesn't quite smell as fresh as it could.
Reader Comments (11)
I hope that someone has some ideas on pet smells as well! I noticed when I recently moved that my rugs smelled horribly! And they didn't before I got a cat who thinks they are her bed/scratching post! I'm going to try carpet powder tonight when I vacuum, so we'll see!
And those animals, adorable!
I enjoy the pet pictures, but I do see that a good half of the entries today are... lolcat quality. Without design elements included, its hard to see their place on the blog.
Okay, I have a life that sits on my shoulders like an elephant, this blog is my stolen time, precious and reinvigorating. Then... cats in Xmas trees. On fabulous chairs, good, dogs joining in the color scheme of chairs I can spend a lifetime of Saturday mornings looking for in swapmeets, yes -- but FTLOG, not lolcats. Please.
I need design. This is where I come.
I have been pretty lenient on what I use in these posts as I figured our readers are kind enough to send photos of their beloved pets, and I should use them all, even if they don't follow the "rule" that the photo should feature the pet on furniture and BOTH be prominent in the photo. But since we've been getting more than enough entries lately, I think I may crack the whip a bit and insist that the "rules" be followed. That way these posts are "justified" for all the "you MUST post photos related to design" folks out there.
Whee there's Skuzzy on my chair, last photo! :) Thanks for featuring her.. my pooches' claim to fame (and sofa's...)
As to pet odours - I find the cat doesn't really have any smell (more than I can say for her catlitter tray *winces*) but in order to dispel the 'wet dog' smell that comes from having a dog around, I use AmbiPur descenter and scenter.. I don't know if you have this where you live, it's a three-perfume scenter you plug in that switches scent every 30 minutes so your nose doesn't get immured to the smell. It works everytime!
And I have resorted to covering sofas with throws .. so I can easily put these in the wash if the dog's been sleeping on it. You can find a throw that matches.. I know it's a bit meh design-wise. I cheat and stow away the throws when friends come over though :P
very very cute pix.. i like it..
I love pets on furniture! And yes i am especially bias this week as you have added Pudge to this week's post!
I look forward to your posts, whatever the content may be...
In reply to animal smells, i find bi-carb is an absorber for any type of smell and its harmless to your pets. Sprinkle onto carpet, rugs, sofas like a powder deodorizer sweep/rub in and then vacuum up! Also vinegar in hot water is the best for cat 'accidents' if that ever happens and you can clean the litter box with this also. Tea tree oil is another but not too much as you want your cat to go there!
...hope this helps.
i can also feel your happiness with your pets too
I just bought the Pledge Pet Hair Remover. I use it on my couch every night before I go to bed. It only takes 2 minutes. I fabreeze the couch and rug once a week and then vacuum the rug and the couch. I think if you keep a pretty strict routine, the pet smell never builds up. Hope this helps! Pets are AMAZING, they make a house a home...But they do make a home a smelly one!
Good luck!
Oh, pets on furniture are so great. Some of them just fit perfectly. The pics in the article are extremely cute, by the way.
Regards, Ella.
I can't disagree that some shots fail to feature great interiors. But I believe that apart from furniture, there are so many other immaterial elements that can add unmatched character and inspiration to any room: light, scent, art, music, and in this case... pets.
I love that this segment doesn't take itself too seriously. Cute, cute, cute!
My devoted and devine Standard Poodles, Alexander and Anastasia, are 9 years old.----Brother and sister we got when they were seven weeks old. A decision I would never recommend but have never regretted!