Paolo Feliciano
A big thanks to Filipino photographer Paolo Feliciano for sending along a link to stunning photos of a home he captured on camera. I LOVE the wood floors and red chandelier!(We featured his work once before here).
Reader Comments (8)
Love the red chandelier, great colors
Lovely photos - and I really enjoy the atmosphere in the house.
Oh Paolo! You've captured the mood of that house so well. I'm in love with that red chandelier too!
Yeah, I like decoration and unique furniture especially the rattan sofa and bamboo chairs?
Amazing red chandelier and asian armoire!
Such gorgeous things to be found on your blog.
Wow, that chandelier is fabulous. Anyone know where one can get hold of one?
i love the eastern vibe and how eclectic everything is...i esp. love the pop of color with the yellow chairs. awesome!