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Jeffrey King

"Design that evokes a sense of purity. Serenity of space. Calming of color. Design so clean that it is, on some level, minimalism. No, not the minimalism of an empty room, part a 'paring down' so cleverly revealed that it speaks of inspiration. Whether it's traditional, eclectic, contemporary or other, this is the design of Jeffrey King Interiors." I couldn't have said it better myself, especially with the migraine that is about to pop my eyeballs from their sockets. (For more lovely photos, check their site).

Reader Comments (6)

Look at those bookcases!!! And that cute as a button stainless steel kitchen under the eaves. Great stylish space solutions.

26 Feb 2009 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

Just found your blog through beautiful; I'll be glued now for days! So gorgeous. I want. I want. I want!

This is the look that I love....lived in but not overly "decorated". Especially love the library with sky high bookcases.

your blog is amazing!!!! i'll sure come back to take a look at what you've been up to!! =)

26 Feb 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiLi

NICE...that idea of having the kitchen completely open to the family room is great! They have my white desk chair! :)

27 Feb 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer Ramos

I've finally started to appreciate the white-and-wood look. Those tall white shelves with the hardwood floors and wooden ladders really bring it home.

4 Mar 2009 | Unregistered Commenterboliyou

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