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Serena Eller Vainicher

Beautiful rooms with that European flavour. Soft light and unanswered questions. Who lives here? Who just walked out of that room? Who is the owner of that creative and chaotic workspace? Does the owner smile as she stands in the sunlight when she washes the dishes? A great photographer not only captures an image they capture the imagination. They leave you asking questions or nodding in agreement. Yes. That's it. That's what I love, what I want, that's the picture for the inspiration file. Serena Eller Vainicher does just that. Captures the shot and your mind.






Reader Comments (8)

What an amazing place. I would kill for that daybed. At last I have revamped my blogroll and added your gorgeous blog to it. So just to say - WELCOME

8 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdi overton

Nicely put, Jo - we bring so much desire to these pictures.

8 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCussot

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! I love these obviously lived-in, but beautifully appointed spaces.

8 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToni aka Sparky

Gorgeous and mesmerizing photos!

And thanks Di!

8 Dec 2009 | Registered CommenterKiM

Oh, this is more my style! It isn't about the colors, or the amazing light, or the really good walls -- it's that without a good photo, we wouldn't *see* any of it. Which might have been a point I was trying to make earlier, but then I was scolded for not recognizing the importance of 'real'! (Which I totally do now, really!)

8 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

you insire me to remake an old countyhouse (my granfathers house) in a village an hour from where i leave....... the only problem is the money.......... to make it like i dream ..... a dreamhouse.......

9 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstella k. greece

What fabulously inspirational photos. I just love it!

love the blue walls, old doors, vintage bunkbeds, and amazing mural! such a pretty lived-in space.

9 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen jafarzadeh

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