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Some favs from 2009 or My God! My taste has changed!

Patric Johannson

I was trawling through our archives looking for rooms that really ticked all the boxes for me. Kim has been so organised, grouping them by rooms type. I've managed to get through January to March and lumped them all together. (You should see Kim's photo files, all catalogued by room type or colour. Mine are jumbled in ever growing, ever spreading folders.) One thing I did realise is that we post a lot of pictures! The other thing that dawned on me is that I'm looking for other things in a room now. Don't get me wrong. I still love bold and brash, colourful and glam. Hollywood Regency still makes my hear skip and pure midcentury is perfection but these are some of my favourites, right here, right now. I think I'm mellowing. Click on the images to go to the original post to see more.

Mark Lund


Inside Out

Patric Johannson


McAlpine Booth & Ferrier Interiors


Glen Proebstel

Barnaby Tuke

Reader Comments (9)

Its amazing how quickly personal tastes change. But, thats the fun in keeping records like this! Anyway, I just had to say how divine the rooms you have chosen are - good taste prevails (again :-) )

30 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterevie

LOVE LOVE LOVE your post (and your blog!) your photo files are so inspiring; the quirkiness, the mixtures, the small details in each and everyone of them: your choice is so NOW and I guess so me. Thank you for your work and ideas and point of view; and keep doing what you you do just as you have been doing ; your taste might be mellowing, but we are right there along with you. Bonne Annee 2010!

30 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeanne-Aelia

What's wrong with that? My tastes change, too - sometimes I like rustic, or modern, or I even go for the contemporary style every now and then. What I find really weird is that it seems to change by season. In winter months I like warmer, cozier rooms. In the spring, I love fresh and modern, and in the summer, the rustic cottage feel is my favorite.

30 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

I hear you! I have been looking through some of my "favorites" and my taste has definitely changed. I feel like I am also mellowing. Maybe there is something in the air?
I love every photo you have picked out here, dare I say elegant? But with enough quirkiness injected to keep it unique and interesting :-)
Happy New Year!

My tastes have changed so much over the past two years that this post really spoke to me. Actually, over the past ten years it's like I'm an entirely different person! I thinks it's good- it shows growth and an ability to learn and change.

30 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlojo

Love your pics, Especially the McAlpine shot. Will visit your site more often.

30 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBryan Foster

Kim and Jo,

My printer is working overtime so I can file so many of your design highlights of the year. You 2 are the best! No one in the blog world even comes close! I wish you both a really fun, creative, happy and healthy 2010! Much fondness, Monika.

31 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSplendid Willow

Happy new year everyone and we hope we can continue to inspire the crap out of you in 2010!!!

31 Dec 2009 | Registered CommenterKiM

Yes- tastes do change! A lot! It's funny- when my computer died 2 months ago, of course I was freaking out that all my inspiration photos were gone. After the 2 months passed, I don't care quite as much any more (although i do still miss the ones I hadn't backed up...which is most of them).

Of course, I'm back to filing pretty interior photos again. I just saved a bunch from your blog- the first ones to be saved to my computer!

31 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commentererin lang norris

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