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Monday's pets on furniture

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes center stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to

"Charlie thinks he's a lap dog. Clearly he's not, but we let him believe what e wants if it keeps him so snuggly!"
- Jordan

"Babette was an ugly dog (but what personality). I took a lot of pictures of her sleeping, as that was when she looked best, and, what she did best. I miss her now.
P.S. the colorful letter and number magnets on the fridge are so high in this picture, because she would take them off and hide them if they were lower.
- Priscilla

"I adore this photo of my big orange tabby cat, Ziggy, atop his favorite polka dot chair. When he saw me approaching with the camera he hunkered down and began digging his claws into the upholstery, as if to dare me to try taking his seat."
- Laura

"1. Whippet Slim knows were to plant her skinny bones....on the best throw in the house.
2. The family of tired pets.
- Scotti

"I think it is safe to say Jefferson truly enjoys lounging around... he feels extremely comfortable in our home, no shame in showing a tummy you worked hard to achieve right?"
- Lindsey

"I have two cats who have free reign of my home and my furniture. The white Persian is Leo. He's sitting on my white Parson's-style dining table, his regular sunny perch. Claude is the strawberry blonde tabby. He's a naughty French schoolboy who likes to play his accordion in the subway. :) He is laying in my bed with my favorite vintage pillow from the 70's as his headboard."
- Dana Joy

"I'm sending you a picture of my favourite cat, who unfortunately isn't mine. Linus belongs to my friend Dena, and I pretend to visit her when in reality I'm just hoping to catch some cuddles from Linus. As you can see from the photo, he's an independant soul who thinks nothing of climbing into and on top of all manner of furniture. He has some very cool mid-century modern furniture in his home, but this past Thanksgiving he decided to indulge his bohemian side by hanging out in this side table while we cleaned up. Linus is such a helpful boy."
- Margaret

"This is our puppy (okay, he's seven now, but he'll always be a puppy to us) Coach squashing the cushion of our Pottery Barn sectional in our family room. So naughty — but too cute to resist!"
- Mackenzie

"This is Buddha in a handmade bowl. It was a Christmas gift he quickly found it under the tree! Hope your holidays are just as cozy!"
- Sue

"I walked in and found Cooper, our Jack Russell Terrier asleep on our bed the other day - even though he knows he shouldn't be...  he was so exhausted after a morning at the park catching the frisbee, he lifted his head, looked at me, and then went back to sleep.  I couldn't resist letting him lay there just so I could take his photo."
- Kate

"This is our sweet little Sadie...a surprise for our mom on her birthday!  This was her first night with us before her "unveiling" and she just hoped up and made herself right at home on my ottoman...a favorite find from Craigslist!"
- Shae

"Here are some pictures of our baby cat June. We have plenty of pictures but we try to focuse on the ones on furniture. I know theses are not great pieces of furniture but well they are funny."
- Séverine

"This is Reese.  She is lounging on my boyfriend's love seat... easily taking up half of it.  This look is the 'please don't make me move so you can actually sit here' look."
- Jenn

"I love your pets on furniture every Monday. Ya gotta smile. Here are some spoiled pets in our family for your consideration.
First image: These are my sister-in-law’s pets and they rule the house.  If you want a comfy seat in the family room, you have to move one of the canine family members – or become part of their zen-like mosh pit.
Second image: Our 3-year-old mini-Schnauzer, Riley, loves relaxing on leather with plenty of pillows.
Third image: A leather chair, plaid blanket and favorite stuffed toy make winter power naps supreme – but PLEASE, no camera flash!
- Terri

"That's Slinky, the smallest of our three cats, curled up on one of two chairs I got from the public school book depository - $4 each!"
- Samantha
(Kim's note: I was poking around Samantha's Flickr stream and found the second photo of her cat Penn that I had to use because he is SO CUTE and I love the chair. Hope you don't mind Samantha!)

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Reader Comments (7)

Thank you so much for posting my photo of Ziggy! I told him he is famous now, but I don't think it made much of an impression on him.

21 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Gaskill

that little boston looks just like our little feather lemon love. too cute.

21 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterseesaw

Thank you for including Coach! I wrote a little post on my blog thanking you if you'd like to check it out :) Thank you again and happy holidays!

21 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMackenzie

Oh my goodness. I think this is the best one yet. This week we vote for upside down June.

21 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstephanie

I can't get tired of this series! It makes me wish that my German Shepherd would get on the furniture just once, so I could take his photo and send it to you :) So far, he only bangs his head on the furniture - he seems to forget that he's taller than all the tables, when he gets up from lying under one... And "Pets Banging Heads on Furniture" is not the name of the series.

21 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex Louisa

cute pets ...


22 Dec 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradloussopy

thanks so much for posting Cooper!

23 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKate

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