Thinly sliced
Here's the skinny. Every day as I walk to work I see a stiletto of steel slicing the sky. Not a skyscraper but a pencil thin house designed by architectural firm Codd Stenders. I often daydream of living in this house right in the centre of town that is mere 3 metres wide spread over 3 floors. Yes 3 metres Kim. (Does it remind you of your 12 ft wide Canadian home?) Today we get to stalk Villa Gotha. It's for sale. What you see is what you get. One room wide. Link here while it lasts.
Reader Comments (4)
I walk past this house on my way to work everyday and always wondered what it was like inside. Now I know, and I'm not disappointed.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow! I had no idea it was for sale! This building has brought me many surprises! Not only is the owner my Grade 1 teacher but also I had the honour of creating their Gotha St Gallery logo - as you can see by their walls - they are avid indigenous art collectors. The building is beautiful and no doubt it won't be on the market for very long :) Thanks for sharing x
I love the painting in the bottom left pic, does anyone know who the artist is?