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Koop Design is an architecture and custom furniture firm based in South Africa. It was founded in 1999 by Richard Stretton. Richard's first 2 projects were 2 game lodges where he lived on-site in remote settings and built the buildings and furniture by hand. Koop’s design ethos - to produce buildings and products that are environmentally sensitive and energy efficient. A crossover between architectural and furniture design form s the basis of Koop; the furniture is approached structurally and the architecture is assembled like large pieces of furniture. Beautiful settings for such beautifully hand-crafted work. Check out the website for all the gorgeous furniture he has designed that can be ordered. 

Reader Comments (3)

Beautiful! I love the down to earth feel, it`s just gorgeous.

11 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAbby

Love the dark walls and timber kitchen and that window and seat. Yes very real and very stylish.

12 Dec 2009 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

does anyone know what brand range is in the white kitchen (stainless with brass knobs)?

13 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJMcKie

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